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1、最新资料推荐(一)课文详解 1、get a dictionary.(P17)get此处为及物动词“获得、得到”,其后常跟名词作宾语。get之后跟双宾语,常用短语:get sb. sth = get sth for sb eg: He got a letter from his friend yesterday. Get me a cup of tea. = Get a cup of tea for me.get常构成的短语有: get up起床 get over克服、恢复 get on / off 上、下车 get along / on with与.相处 get back取回2、buy a n

2、ewspaper(P17)1)buy及物动词,常用结构有:buy sb sth = buy sth for sb buy sth from sb eg: He bought me this book = He bought this book for me. I bought this watch from a friend for $10.2)buy是非延续性动词,不能与how long及for引导的表示一段时间的状语连用。表示“某物买了多长时间”用have代替buy eg: I have had the bike for two months. How long have you had

3、your dictionary3)buy的反义词是sell,常用短语有:sell sth to sb = sell sb sth eg: I sold my car to my younger brother. = I sold my younger brother my car.3、Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?(P17)1)Could you please.?表示委婉的请求,后接动词原形。类似的表示请求的句型还有:Would / Will you please do sth? Would yo

4、u like to do sth?2)could为情态动词,也是can的过去式,在表达请求时,could与can没有时态上的差别,只是could的语气比较委婉和客气3)hot to get to the bookstore是“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构。疑问词who, which, when, where, how, what等与动词不定式连用,常用语tell, show, know, teach, learn, explain等后作宾语,“疑问词 + 动词不定式”结构所表示的动作通常是未发生的,所以在转换成宾语从句时,通常要加情态动词或用将来时态。 eg: He didnt know wh

5、at to say. = He didnt know what he should say.4、Sure,just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.(P17)1)go along “沿着.向前走”,与go down / up同义,常用于指路。常用的句子还有:walk along / down this road / street turn left / right at the + 序数词 + crossing / turningyou can take the No. + 数字 + bus and get off at.It

6、s next to / across from walk on and turn left / right2)until 与 till的用法区别until可以放在句首,till不能。till多用于口语中。两个词都可以用作介词,也可以用作连词。作介词时,后接词或短语,在句子中作状语;作连词时引导时间状语从句。until / till用于肯定句中,句子或主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,表示这一动作或状态一直延续到until / till所表示的时间为止。这样的动词有live, wait, last, work等 eg: He watched TV until / till midnight las

7、t night. I waited for him until / till he came back.until / till用于否定句中,其句型为:not.until / till“直到.才.”或“在之前不”,通常与非延续性动词连用,强调句子或主句所表示的状态或动作从until / till所表示的时间才发生,句子或主句必须是否定句。表示非延续性的动词有come, go, leave, meet, realize, understand, reach, get, arrive等 eg: He didnt go home until / till ten oclock. I hadnt re

8、alize the thing was so serious until / till she told me about it. = Until she told me about it, I hadnt realized the thing was so serious.5、go to the thinrd floor(P18)the first floor the second floor the third floor (美式英语)the ground floor the first floor the second floor(英式英语)6、turn left(P18)1)turn

9、left = turn to the left.此处turn是不及物动词,意为“转向”turn的其他用法作不及物动词,“转动,转身” eg: Ricky turned and walked away.作及物动词,“转动,旋转” eg: He turned the key in the lock.作连系动词,“变为,成为” eg: When spring comes, the trees turn green.作名词,“轮流” eg: Its your turn to read now.与turn有关的短语:turn right = turn to the right turn on / off

10、 turn down / up 2)left adv.“向左,在左边” n“左边” adj“左边的” v.“离开”(leave的过去式和过去分词) eg: The little boy is sitting on my left. I left my homework at home.7、go past the bookstore(P18)go past “经过”相当于pass,其中past为介词,“从旁边过去” eg: The train went past us without stopping at the station.past“从旁边经过”,表示时间上的“超过”或空间上的“经过”

11、eg:The man is walking past a shop.over“从上方跨越而过”,表示动作发生在物体的上方 eg: There is a bridge over the river.across“横穿、越过”,表示动作是在某一个物体的表示进行的,强调从一端到另一端 eg:The little boy is walking across the road.through“穿过,越过”,表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,强调从内部穿过 eg: He can go through the forest by himself.8、Nine thirty, so you dont need t

12、o rush!(P18)rush此处用作不及物动词,“仓促、急促”,也可用作及物动词。常用短语:rush to do sth eg: He sprang up and rushed to the door. Shes always rushing to finish first.rush用作名词时“匆忙、高峰”,常用短语:in a rush rush hour9、I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World.(P19)suggest及物动词“建议、提议”名词形式:suggestion.其用法为:suggest sth“建议某事” eg: He s

13、uggested a walk.suggest doing sth“建议做某事” eg: She suggested going there by bike.suggest + that引导的宾语从句,这时宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用(should )+ 动词原形 eg: He suggested that we should do it at once.10、On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs.(P19)1)on ones way to.“在某人去的路上” eg: Yeste

14、rday I met a friend of mine on my way to school.常见的与way相关的短语有:by the way顺便说一下 in a way在某种程度上 in the way挡路,妨碍in this way通过这种方法 lose ones way迷路2)Uncle Bobs = Uncle Bobs restanrant,当名词所有格限定的是表示住宅、诊所、商店等名词时,该名词通常可以省略。 eg: They are at the doctors(office). He is going to his aunts(house) this Sunday.11、It

15、s always busy, so come a little earlier to get a table.(P19)a little earlier“早一点儿”,其中a little 在句中修饰比较级earlier.在形容词比较级前常用much, a little, a bit, even, still等来修饰,表示程度进一步加深。 eg: I have much more homework than him. He is even busier today.12、Sally needs to mail a letter.(P20)mail此处用作及物动词,“邮寄”,相当于动词post,还可意为“发店子邮件”。 其后可以跟双宾语,构成短语: mail sb sth = mail sth to sb Eg: Please ma


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