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1、最新汉英特色词汇词典 A Pick a giant from dwarfs choose the best from a mediocre bunch 矮子里拔将军 AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Patriotic democratic personages 爱过民主人士 Patriotic united front 爱国统一战线 Settling in allowance 安家费 Affordable housing program housing project for low income urban residents 安居工程 Eu

2、thanasia 安乐死 Safety island Work safety 安全生产 Safe driving 安全行车 Consolation prize 安慰奖 Keypad 手机按键 Touch tone phone 按键式电话 Keypad tone 按键音 Mortgage 按揭 Mortgage loan 按揭贷款 Mortgage a house 按揭购房 Distribution according to one s performance to each according to one s work 按劳分配 Case study case analysis 案例分析 U

3、nrequited love 暗恋 Covert deals 暗箱操作 Olympic Committee 奥委会 Olympic Torch Runner 奥运火炬护跑手 Olympic homestay 奥运人家 Olympic torch lighting ceremony Olympic flame lighting ceremony 奥运圣火采集仪式 Olympic merchandise franchised goods for the Olympics 奥运特许商品 The Olympic Extension 奥运支线 Olympic common Domain OCD 奥运中心

4、区 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 Special driveway for Beijing Olympic vehicles 奥运专用车道 Gossip gossipy 八卦 Eight hour shift 八小时工作制 Bar counter 吧台 The Eight honor and Eight shame Outlook The Socialist Outlook on Honor and Shame 八荣八耻 Take measures to ensure safety 把安全关 See the whole picture 把握大局 Hegemony

5、 霸权主义 Inequality clause imparity clause 霸王条款 Incandescent light 白炽灯 White collar crime 白领犯罪 White collar workers 白领工人 Prince Charming 白马王子 White paper government documents 白皮书 White pollution using and littering of non degradable plastics 白色污染 Start from scratch 白手起家 Centennial 百年纪念 Century old shop

6、 百年老店 Seeing is believing 百闻不如一见 Talk the talk 摆花架子 Put on airs act arrogant and superior 摆架子 Take care of get someone back 摆平 Show off 摆谱儿 Shake off poverty 摆脱贫困 Sworn brothers buddies very close friends 拜把兄弟 哥们儿 Money worship 拜金主义 Pay a New Year s visit 拜年 Shuttle bus 班车 Pedestrian crossing crossw

7、alk crossing zone 斑马线 人行横道 Unit or household to be relocated relocated unit or household 搬迁户 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 Crew cut 板儿寸 Copyright law 版权法 Copyright Business 版权贸易 Copyright reserved copyrighted 版权所有 Royalty rate 版税率 Royalty income 版税收入 Chat around the water cooler water cooler chat 办

8、公室闲聊 Office romance 办公室恋情 Do New Year s shopping 办年货 Conduct a funeral 办丧事 Half the sky women 半边天 Semi finished products 半成品 Semi detached house 半独立式房子 Semifinals 半决赛 Never to be finished project 半拉子工程 Day care for kids 半托 Accompanying satellite 伴飞卫星 for girls find a sugar daddy be a rich man s mist

9、ress 傍大款 Charter a bus train taxi a chartered vehicle 包车 Have a mistress 包二奶 Book a room 包房 Work contracted out to households 包干到户 Project contracting for labor and materials 包工包料 Labor contractor 包工头 Charter flight 包机 A clean sweep 包揽 Three guarantees for repair replacement or compensation for faul

10、ty products 三包 包 修 包换和包赔 Packaged foods 包装食品 Steamed bun 包子 Keep members of the Communist Party of China CPC progressive innovative and forward thinking 保持共产党员先进性 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 Protect women s rights against infringement 保护妇女不受侵犯 Protective duty protective tariff 保护关税 Support price

11、保护价格 Conserve natural habitats 保护生存环境 Protectionism 保护主义 Therapeutic massage 保健按摩 Health supplements 保健品 Health food 保健食品 Top songs 保留曲目 Reserve as natural farmland 保留为自然耕地 On bail 保释 Bonded warehouse tariff free warehouses 保税仓库 Bonded port area 保税港区 Tariff free zone bonded area 保税区 Warranty period

12、保修期 Postgraduate recommendation 保研 Guaranteed fund 保证基金 Margins collateral 保证金 Inflation proof bank savings 保值储蓄 Shelf life 保质期 Retaliatory duty 报复性关税 Price quote 报价单 The press the media 报界 Report only the god not the bad 报喜不报忧 Reimburse 报销 Nouveau riche 暴发户 Windfall profits tax 暴利税 Riot 暴力 Outbreak

13、 period 爆发期 Upset unexpected win 爆冷门 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO 北约 Spare parts 备件 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 Spare tire 备用轮胎 Be the scapegoat bear the blame 背黑锅 Second hand smoking 被动吸烟 Defendants pen 被告席 Under quarantine 被隔离 Be released from quarantine 被解除隔离 Sideline 被迫退出 比赛 Be

14、 accused of accepting bribes 被指控接受贿赂 Bookishness dogma 本本主义 The year of one s animal sign 本命年 A slow sparrow should make an early start 笨鸟先飞 Disco dancing 蹦迪 Bungee jumping 蹦极 Forced confession 逼供 Bear down on 逼近 Snuff bottle 鼻烟壶 Be bound to win 必胜 Commencement ceremony 毕业典礼 Closed door policy 闭关政策

15、Closed book exam 闭卷考试 Be given the cold shoulder 闭门羹 受到冷遇 Tax evasion 避税 逃税 Marginal return 边际报酬 Borderline sciences sciences that combine parts of other sciences together 边缘科学 Remote poverty stricken areas 边远贫困地区 Firecracker 鞭炮 Devaluate depreciate a currency 贬值 Portable computer laptop notebook co

16、mputer 笔记本电脑 Disguised inflation 变相涨价 Transformers 变形金刚 Transgender 变性人 Convenience store 便利店 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 Play Station Portable 便携式游戏机 Plainclothes policemen 便衣警察 Address both the symptoms and root cause 标本兼治 Bid document 标书 Drag racing 飙车 Lip service 表面文章 Don t be too hard on yourself 别跟自己过不去 Endangered wildlife 濒危野生动物 Ice sculpture 冰雕 Ice crystal meth 冰毒 Terracotta warriors clay figures of soldiers and horses 兵马俑 Viral infection 病毒性感染 Sick leave 病假 Strip of a gold medal 剥夺金牌


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