山东省淄博市高青县八年级英语下册 Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识清单素材 鲁教版五四制(通用)

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山东省淄博市高青县八年级英语下册 Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识清单素材 鲁教版五四制(通用)_第1页
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山东省淄博市高青县八年级英语下册 Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识清单素材 鲁教版五四制(通用)_第2页
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《山东省淄博市高青县八年级英语下册 Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识清单素材 鲁教版五四制(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省淄博市高青县八年级英语下册 Unit 5 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识清单素材 鲁教版五四制(通用)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、I think that mooncakes are delicious一、 学习目标1. 复习所学的重点单词、短语。 2. 熟练并准确地做习题二、 问题导学1. 识记下列短语 (1) 泼水节 (2)龙舟节 (3)春节 (4)元宵节 (5)看着很有意思 (6)在外面吃 (7)发胖 (8)2周后 (9)一年里最热的月份 (10)与.相似 (11)互相泼水 (12)有好运 (13)中秋节 (14) 以.形式 (15)传统民间故事 (16) 最触动人心的 (17) 射下 (18) 拒绝做某事 (19)飞上了月亮 (20)摆开 (21)表达我们的爱 (22)一个.另一个 (23)五月的第二个周日 (2

2、4)做某事是个好主意 (25 )装扮 (26)鬼屋 (27)不请吃就捣蛋 (28)戏弄某人 (29)请求 (30)看起来吓人 (31) .的重要性 (32) 关心,在乎 (33)过去常常做某事 (34) 受到惩罚 (35)警告某人做某事 结束 期待某人做某事 (36)带他回到童年 (37) 使.某人想起 (38)决定做某事 承诺做某事 需要 (39)用.来招待某人 (40) 善良和热情 (41) 到处传播爱和快乐 (42)在.和.之间 (43) 分发 (44) 不但.而且.2. 【巧学妙记】 巧记宾语从句的用法宾语从句最易考, 三个考点需记牢。一点常考引导词, 不同句子词相异。陈述句子用tha

3、t, 一般疑问是否(if/whether)替; 特殊问句更好办, 引导还用疑问词。二点时态常变化, 主句不同从句异。主句若为现在时, 从句时态应看意; 主句若为过去时, 从句时态向前移。三点语序要牢记, 陈述语序从句中。三、达标反馈(一)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1My r_ include my father and my mother.2.I arrived in Guangdong yesterday, so I am a s_ here.3He _ (偷) my book by accident, but he didnt admit (承认)4The children ar

4、e chasing (追逐) in the _ (园子)5I _ (欣赏) his job.6. He didnt finish his homework, so his teacher p_ him.7.She is friendly to t_ the guest.8.He wrote a famous_ (小说) in 1950.9.The room is old.Many people think it is _ (闹鬼的) at night.10.I get many _(礼物) on my birthday.(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Yesterday evening he

5、 _ (lay) out his book to study.2He puts five _ (pound) into the bottle every day.3He tried his best _ (answer) my questions.4People started the tradition of _ (admire)the moon since then.5I plan _ (travel) during the summer holiday.6_ (mother) Day is on the second Sunday of May.2It is more and more

6、popular_ (decorate) the room.3I have many ways_ (solve) this problem. 4They spend two days _ (do) this task.5It is a good idea _ (memorize) the poem. 6.We can get _ (warm) from the sun.7.I warn him not _ (play) on the road. 8.His dog is ill.It is _ (die)9.I decide _ (keep) reading English every morning.10.I want _ (make) a model plane.Could you give me some suggestions? 教学后记:


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