八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum备战宝典 如何做表格类阅读理解题素材 (新版)人教新目标版(通用)

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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum备战宝典 如何做表格类阅读理解题素材 (新版)人教新目标版(通用)_第1页
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八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum备战宝典 如何做表格类阅读理解题素材 (新版)人教新目标版(通用)_第2页
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《八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum备战宝典 如何做表格类阅读理解题素材 (新版)人教新目标版(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum备战宝典 如何做表格类阅读理解题素材 (新版)人教新目标版(通用)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【备战宝典】:如何做表格类阅读理解题【方法技巧】表格类阅读理解题阅读短文,完成表格,主要包括广告、海报、数字统计、列车时刻、电视节目、图书目录、菜单、旅游须知等。与常见的阅读理解比较,其信息量大、趣味性强,形式更新颖、更实用,集考查阅读速度、理解程度及进行比较、分析、判断、推理于一身。因此,要想解决好这类阅读理解题, 除了具备基本的表格识别能力,还要掌握正确的答题技巧。1. 读答题指引,确定表格为何种类别。即阅读答题说明,初步判断表格属于广告、列车时刻、菜单等中的哪一类、内容指历史、地理还是娱乐、体育等。2. 看表格内容,搞清栏目有哪些关系。即查看表格的内容,看它包括哪些子项目,如时间、任务、

2、活动、数字等,它们之间有什么关系。3. 借关键词语,寻找答案及相关信息。即借助题目中所给的关键词语,在表格中寻找对应的信息点,进而写出答案。【活学活用】阅读下面文章,根据提供的信息,完成下面表格。School Lunches from around the WorldDo you wonder what children are eating for lunch across the world? Take a look at different school lunches and learn something about kids school lives across the worl

3、d. In Japan, 99% of elementary school(小学)students and 82% of junior high school students eat kyushoku(school lunch). It includes a bottle of milk, a bowl of rice, usually some types of fish, a salad, some kinds of soup, usually with tofu and vegetables, and a piece of fruit. In the United States kid

4、s have hamburgers and chips for lunch. Those school lunches are making the kids so fat that many are unable to meet the physical fitness standards(标准). The good news is that Improving Nutrition(营养)for Americans Children Act was recently passed. That will help to make school lunches more nutritional(

5、有营养的). In Beijing, school lunches are usually provided from home. A food service worker picks up the fresh meals from home and sends them to schools. Information CardCountriesSchool LunchesJapanThe Japanese school lunches include milk, rice, some fish, a salad, soup and 1. .The UnitedStatesThe school lunches are very2. because they make the kids 3. .ChinaThe lunches are cooked at4. and a 5. picks them up to send to schools.参考答案:1. a piece of fruit2. unhealthy3. fat4. home5. food service worker



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