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1、东观中学2013届高三期中测试英语试题(考试时间120分钟 满分150分)第一部分听力忽略第二部分:知识运用(共两节,55分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Has _ problem been solved? Not yet. Were trying to think of _ way out, but its quite difficult to find one. A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the22. While stud

2、ying, fix your mind on what is really important, or you will _ remembering nothingAshow up Btake up C. bring up Dend up23. You can get to your destination earlier _ you dont mind taking the night train. A. if B. unless C. though D. until24. Why do you want to apply for the position as a history teac

3、her?This is the job that I _.A. looked forB. had looked for C. will look for D. have been looking for25. The warning of the storm, _ over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the province. A. broadcasting B. having broadcast C. broadcast D. to be broadcast26. I _ have turned on the air condit

4、ioner at such a low temperature.No wonder youve got a cold. A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. mustnt D. neednt27. Youd better begin the preparations now and the most important thing is to check _ the laboratory can be used for the tests. A. where B. when C. what D. that28. Was it _ the international confere

5、nce that made the city the focus of this area? A. held B. hold C. holding D. being held29. If you have doubts about the attack, Mr. Brown can tell you the truth as he witnessed _. A. it B. one C. them D. those30. Experts believe that language learning is a process _ skills are more important than gr

6、ammar rules. A. whose B. when C. of which D. in which31. Were you on time for the meeting? If they _ me earlier, I would have. A. told B. would tell C. had told D. would have told32. For a simple question, _ is not necessary to ask for her help. A. he B. that C. it D. which33. I enjoy noodles _ by m

7、y mother, which taste very delicious.A. cooked B. cookingC. being cookedD. to be cooked34Our school covers an area of 400 mu, which is _ as yours.Atwice as big Btwice biggerCtwice the size Dtwice the big 35It is believed that if an event is _, it will surely _ the readers of the paper.Aastonished; a

8、stonishBastonishing; be astonished Castonishing; astonishDastonished; be astonished 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Last January I was given a chance to work in another country. At first, I lived a 36 life, but soon I met a group of new friends and they w

9、ere really nice. Then something 37 happened. One of our friends suffered from kidney stones (肾结石), which had to be 38 surgically as soon as possible. But it was not as 39 as that! Our friend could not 40 the operation, which put him into deep 41 . I didnt know how to help him because I didnt have an

10、y money either. 42 , I never lost hope. Instead I tried to think of other 43 and told him not to worry because everything would be all right. Before I left the hospital, I talked to the surgeon and asked him to do the surgery, saying I would pay the expenses the next day 44 I had that kind of money.

11、 Well, I must have been 45 because the surgeon agreed to do it! But how was I going to get that much money?All I knew was that I needed to help my friend! Although it could be 46 to deal with this kind of situation, I decided to make some efforts. I tried to borrow money but failed. I tried 47 my th

12、ings but no one wanted them. Then I had the idea of talking to my 48 . I asked him if I could have my next two months salary in advancewithout even thinking on how I would 49 for two months with no money. He was surprised and asked me the reason. I told him that I had a friend who was really in need

13、. 50 I convinced him too and then he gave my two months salary without any 51 ! Upon getting the money, I ran to the hospital and paid all the bills. My friend didnt know how to thank me. I just said, “Come on! Give me a 52 !”Friendship may not only be found at the happy moment but sometimes you can

14、 find it on the 53 time in your life! Ive done a good thing by being a (an) 54 friend and I think it is well worth the 55 .36. A. privateB. lonelyC. colorfulD. normal37. A. strangeB. wrong C. unexpected D. unfair38. A. removed B. reducedC. examined D. lifted39. A. terribleB. painfulC. simpleD. special40. A. standB. consider C. performD. afford41. A. anxietyB. confusion C. embarrassmentD. dissatisfaction 42. A. ThusB. Otherwise C. HoweverD. Therefore43. A. reasonsB. options C. sy



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