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1、 最新资料推荐 1 定语从句定语从句 1 什么是定语从句 由一个完整的句子充当定语的从句为定语从句 2 特点 和其它类从句比较 除了有引导词 关系词 定语从 句有 先行词 3 什么是先行词 被定语从句修饰的名词 代词为先行词 4 定语从句的种类 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句 5 定语从句引导词 关系词 的种类 关系代词和关系副词 例 I work in a school which was built 50 years ago 在此句中 school 为先行词 which 来引导定语从句 which was built 50 years ago 整句话来修饰先行词做定语 所以这是 个定语从

2、句 注注 定语从句的引导词通常置于先行词之后引导定语从句 一 代词性引导词和副词性引导词 即关系代词和关系副词 代词性引导词有 that which who whom whose as 等 副词性引 导词有 when where why 等 代词性引导词在定语从句中充当 主语 宾语 副词性引导词在定语从句中充当状语 注 注 what 不能引导定语从句 因为 what 从句属于名词性从句 二 基本用法 最新资料推荐 2 1 先行词性质不同要使用不同的引导词 先行词指人时 可用 that who whom 代指 who 与 whom 的区别在于 who 是主格 在 从句中作主语 whom 是宾格

3、在从句中作宾语 而 that 作主 语 宾语均可 先行词指物时 用 that which 代指 可见 that 既可代指人的先行词 也可代指物的先行词 例 Do you know the man that is standing by the door 此句 that 引导定语从句 代指先行词 the man 例 This is the book that I have been looking for 此句 that 引导定语从句 代指先行词 the book 例 This is the book which I have been looking for 此句 which 引导定语从句 代

4、指先行词 the book 例 Do you know the man who is standing by the door 此句 who 引导定语从句 代指行行词 the man 作从句的主语 也可用 that 引导从句 如 Do you know the man that is standing by the door 例 The lady whom we saw this morning is Mrs Brown 此句 whom 引导定语从句 代指先行词 the lady 在从 句中作 宾语 也可用 that 引导即 The lady that we saw this morning

5、is Mrs Brown 例 As is known to all China is a large country As is know to all 是个很常用的表达方式 这也是的定语从句 只不过它的位置不像别的定语从句在先行词的后面 本句 as 代 最新资料推荐 3 指主句的含义 中国是个大国 As 是一个特殊的引导词 引导定语从句时为代词 不像其他的 代词性引导词用来代指一个具体的先行词 as 代指整个主句的 含义 which 引导非限定性定语从句时 也有类似的用法 例 He is often late which makes his teacher angry 此句 which 引导

6、定语从句 代指主句的含义 他经常迟到 作从句的主语 这时 which 引导的就是非限定性定语从句 Which 和 as 的用法相似 但也有区别 1 which 引导的定语从句只能位于主句后 但 as 引导的从 句在主句前 中 后均可 在主句前居多 2 as 常理解为 正如 正像 而 which 常理解为 这 这 事 这点 3 as 常用的固定搭配有 as is often the case as was expected as often happens as is known to all as has been said before as is mentioned above 等 2 副

7、词性引导词 副词性引导词 副词性引导词副词性引导词 when where why 例 I often think of the happy days when I was in France When 引导定语从句 修饰先行词 days 意为 in the happy days 作从句的时间状语 例 This is the building where my father works Where 引导定语从句 修饰先行词 building 意为 in the 最新资料推荐 4 building 作从句的地点状语 例 例 Do you know the reason why he was lat

8、e Why 引导定语从句 修饰先行词 reason 意为 for the reason 作从句的原因状语 说明 从以上的例子可以看出 代词性引导词在从句中作主语 宾语 副词性引导词在从句中作状语 注注 如果引导词在从句中作宾语 则引导词可以省略 一 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的比较 限定性定语从句与先行词的关系密不可分 不可用逗号分开 而非限定性定语从句只是到先行词起补充说明作用 与先行词 关系松散 通常用逗号将其分开 非限定性定语从句不能用 that 代指先行词 例 This is the photo that which I took The famous basketball pl

9、ayer who tried to make a comeback attracted a lot of attention 二 that 与 which 的区别 当先行词指物时才需要讨论这个问题 1 当先行词为不定代词 如 anything everything nothing none one all little few much 等 或先行词被 all little few much any only the 最新资料推荐 5 every every no 等修饰时 要用 that 代指先行词 例 All that is needed is a supply of oil Finall

10、y the thief handed everyting that he had stolen to the police This is the only problem that remains to be settled 2 先行词是序数词 最高级形容词时 或先行词被序数词 最高 级形容词 具有最高级意义的形容词 如 last 修饰时 要用 that 作引导词 例 This is the first best film that I have seen since I came here 3 先行词同时包括人和物时 要用 that 作引导词 例 They often talk about

11、 the people and the things that they like most 三 不能用 that 引导的定语从句 1 在非限定性定语从句中不能用 that 而用 who whom which 等 代指先行词 例 I saw Mary just now who seemed very excited 2 介词后不能用 that 例 This is the person to whom your father spoke just now 3 当先行词是 all any few one s anyone everyone those people 等 且指人时 只能用 who 不

12、用 that 例 Those who are present will have the chance to see the film star 四 as 与 which 代指主句的含义 最新资料推荐 6 有的定语从句并不修饰一个具体的先行词 而是修饰整个主句 由 which as 引导 这时 which 和 as 都代词性的 代指主句的含 义 但是用法不同 上文有讲 例 1 is often the case we have worked out the production plan A Which B When C What D As 例 2 is mentioned above the

13、 number of the students in senior school is increasing A Which B As C That D It 例 3 Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others of course made the others envy him A who B that C what D which 例 4 He made another wonderful discovery of great importance to science A which I think is B

14、which I think it is C which I think it D I think is 例 5 The weather turned out to be very good was more than we could expect A what B which C that D it 五 先行词前有 such so the same 修饰时 这种情况下 定语从句用 as 引导 as 代指先行词 在从句在作 主语 宾语 最新资料推荐 7 例 1 She is such a kind teacher as we all like 2 She is so kind a teache

15、r as we all like 3 She is such a kind teacher that we all like her 1 和 2 句均为定语从句 先行词均为 teacher 分别用了 such a kind teacher 和 so kind a teacher 结构 含义是一样的 先行词有 such so 修饰 要用 as 在这两个句子中 as 代指先行词 逻辑语 序为 we all like as as 作宾语 句 3 用了 such that 结构 that 本身没有含义 也不是从句的成分 只是起到引导的作用 从句的主谓宾分别为 we like her 这个问题的解题技巧

16、是看从句是否主谓宾完整 如缺少宾 语 必然要用引导词作宾语 选择 as 如从句成分完整 选 that 组成 such that 结构 例 1 This is such a difficult problem none of us can work it out 2 This is such a difficult problem none of us can work out 3 This is a difficult problem none of us can work out 句 1 是个完整的句子 用 that 句 2 从句中缺少宾语 且 problem 有 such 修饰 故是定语从句 用引导词 as 句 3 从句缺少宾语 为定语从句 但没有 such so the same 修饰 故用 that which 代指先行词 六 介词 收导词 引导定语从句 例 1 This is the faith with which I went back to the south 最新资料推荐 8 先行词为 faith with which I went back to the south



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