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1、摘 要跨行政区水污染是我国水污染的重要特征,也是当前水资源危机中的突出问题。我国对跨行政区水污染的长期治理并没有从根本上扭转水污染的严峻形势,其根源在于经济利益调节机制不完善,无法有效调节各方利益,激励其治理污染的积极性,形成合力治污的良好格局。中央政府、地方政府、以企业为主的排污者和社会公众,是在水污染治理中涉及的重要主体。中央政府治理水污染的政策、法律等主要通过地方政府的贯彻执行而作用于排污企业,而地方政府与其辖区企业存在较强的一致利益。由于跨行政区水污染及其治理的外部性,在缺乏有效经济利益调节的情况下,地方政府为追求本地区利益必然缺乏治理水污染的积极性,对其辖区企业的污染治理监管不严。由


3、仲裁者、法律法规执行的监督者、重大基础性设施的建设管理者和社会公众参与的积极支持者。通过中央政府的主导作用和有效的经济利益调节机制,有效协调地方政府之间的利益关系,促进地方政府合力治污。发挥市场机制的利益调节作用,提高排污收费标准,激励排污单位主动治污。完善多元化的投融资机制,加大资金投入力度。完善公众参与机制,加大社会监督力度,保障社会公众的合法权益。关键词:跨行政区 水污染 治理 利益 AbstractThe water pollution of cross region is an important character and an prominent question in the

4、our countrys current water resources crises. The long term governance has not fundamentally reversed deterioration trend of the cross region water-pollution. The fundamental reason lies in the imperfect mechanism of economic interest adjustment, which has not adjusted effectively all stakeholders in

5、terest, and stimulated stakeholders jointly to prevent and cure water-pollution. The central government, the local governments, enterprises and the social public, are important stakeholders in the governance of cross region water-pollution. The implemention of policies and laws of central government

6、, depends heavily on local government. The governance of cross region water-pollution is public goods. Because of properties of common goods, the local government has more inducement to develop the local economy than to prevent and cure water-pollution, so it has not strictly compelled enterprise to

7、 implement the policies and laws. In order to gain more profit, the enterprise has more stimulus not to prevent and cure water-pollution. Imperfect mechanism of economic interest adjustment has not efficiently attracted social fund into the area of governance of water-pollution.Therefore, it is impo

8、rtant and necessary to take the perfection of economic interest adjustment mechanism as the core, exert fully the central governments leading role, stimulate all stakeholders to cooperate effectively and supervise mutually, promote the local governments jointly to prevent and cure water-pollution, s

9、trengthen the unified management of drainage area, increase the investment, form the cross region water-pollution governance pattern that the central government exerts leading role, the local governments jointly fight water-pollution, the enterprises initiatively govern water-pollution, the society

10、positively participate. The central government should fully exert the leading role, such as the provider of foundational institutions and the legal laws, the promoter of local governments effective cooperation, the pacificator and arbitrator of intergovernmental water-pollution conflict, the supervi

11、sor of legal laws and regulations implemention, the superintendent of significant foundational projects construction, .and the actively supporter of society participation. It is important to coordinate the benefit relations of local governments effectively, promote the local governments to fight wat

12、er-pollution jointly through central governments leading role and the effective mechanism of economic interest adjustment. Raise the charge standard of water pollution, stimulate enterprises to cut pollution positively. Reform the invest mechanism and increase investment. Encourage public participat

13、e in fighting water-pollution, strengthen society supervision, protect the publics legitimate rights and interests.Key Words: Cross region Water-pollution Governance Interest目 录1 绪 论(1)1.1选题背景及意义(1)1.1.1选题背景(1)1.1.2选题意义(2)1.2研究综述(2)1.2.1国外研究情况(2)1.2.2 国内研究情况(3)1.3研究思路(4)1.4研究工具(4)1.4.1 理论工具(4)1.4.2

14、方法工具(5)1.5 创新点 (6)2 我国跨行政区水污染治理现状与问题 (6)2.1我国跨行政区水污染治理现状(6)2.1.1我国跨行政区水污染的严峻形势(6)2.1.2 我国跨行政区水污染治理现状(7)2.2我国跨行政区水污染治理存在的问题(9)2.2.1管理体制不完善(9)2.2.2地方政府之间缺乏稳定有效的协调合作(11)2.2.3治理手段不完善,经济利益调节力度不大(12)2.2.4社会参与渠道不畅,公众参与不足(13)2.2.5投融资机制不完善,资金投入不足(14)3. 跨行政区水污染治理存在问题的原因分析 (15)3.1 水资源的“公用地悲剧”效应(15)3.2跨行政区水污染治理中的利益冲突 (16)321地方政府


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