陕西省龙凤培训学校2020学年七年级英语下册 Unit 7单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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陕西省龙凤培训学校2020学年七年级英语下册 Unit 7单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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《陕西省龙凤培训学校2020学年七年级英语下册 Unit 7单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西省龙凤培训学校2020学年七年级英语下册 Unit 7单元综合测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、陕西省龙凤培训学校2020学年七年级英语下册 Unit 7单元综合测试题 人教新目标版第一题:单选题( )1:December is the _month of the year and its the _month of a year.A: twelfth, last B:twelve,first C: twelfth, first( )2:Dont forget _a present _your friend,Su Yingying.it is her birthday tomorrow.A: to buy, for B:buying, to C:bought, for( )3:Hu Ji

2、axi wasnt _at home yesterday.Her parents were both at home,too.A:alone B:lonely C:afraid( )4:Li Haoyuan often_some cleaning at home after school. A: does B:do C:is doing( )5:-_were you born,Stone?I was born_february twenty-first ,1984.A:When , in B:What time,on C:When ,on( )6:-_is it?Its 5.5 meters

3、long?A:How wide B:How long C:How tall( )7:-How do you say “2020年5月20日” in English?-_A:Two thousand and eleven,May twenty-oneB:May the twenty-first,two thousand and elevenC:The eleventh of May,two thousand eleven( )8:-Was it like a dog a moment ago?-_it was like a tiger.A:Yes ,it was B:No,it wasnt ,C

4、:I am afraid.I dont know.( )9:-Where would you like _this evening?At home. Eating outside is very expensive(昂贵的)A: eating B:to eat C:eat( )10:-When was your father born?He was born_March,1959.A:in B:on C:at( )11:-Can you _these pears,Yuan Jingyi?Centainly.elevenA:catch B:count C:take ( )12:Chen Chen

5、 _well in reciting Chinese poems when he was seven. A:does B:be C:did( )13:-What_would you like, Fu Bo?NO,thanks 。I am full.A:also B:other C:else( )14:-_you say it _English?Yes ,I can. A:Could , to B:Can ,in C:May ,at( )15:Liu Baichuan _swim when he was eight and he still _now.A:couldnt, cant B:coul

6、d ,can C:cant could( )16:His parents died in a traffice accident when he was five years old.life was very _at that time.A:easy for B:good for C:hard for( )17:Hu Jiaxi is good at English now,But three years ago,she could learn just_A:a lot B:a little C:less( )18:There was _with her hands when she was

7、 ten and she cant write now.A:something wrong B:anything wrong C:nothing wrong( )19:I couldnt speakEnglish in the past at all,but _Stones help ,I can speak it very well now.A:under B:for C:with( )20:-Tomorrow is Childrens Day.I will go to Taoqimao Park with my parents.-_A:Thats all right B:Have a go

8、od time C:Its a pleasure( )21:-Before _food,you must wash your hands,Xiao qing.Ok ,mum.A:eating B:to eat C:eat( )22:Su yingying made a wish and _out the candles.A:blow B:bowl C:blew( )23:-Su yingying ,your ballpen is so nice,-Thanks ,My teacher _it as a birthday present _me three weeks ago.A:buys ,

9、to B:bought ,for C:took ,to( )24:-who gave a red bag to you for your birthday?My aunt,She made it _for me.A:to hand B:by hand C:in hand( )25:-Liao Jing ,why was your manager angry _you?Because I didnt finish my work on time yesterday. A:with B:about C:to( )26:When we _the teacher in the classroom,we

10、 should keep silent.A:are listening to B:listened to C:listen( )27:-Gao Sai,_is your turn _the blackboard.A:it , to clean B: this cleaning C:it ,clean( )28:Dont forget _the door when you leave your house.A:locking B:to lock C:lock( )29:-everyone,dont _other people.Its bad You should tell the truth.A

11、:tell a lie to B:lie to C: A and B ( )30:-Zhao Zilai,which woman is your mother?The one _many flowers _her hand.A:with ,in B:has ,by C:has in第二题:完型填空: A:Dear Chen Qi, Im in Luohe _1_about three years now. Im living with my wife. Yeserday was February twenty-first. It _2_my Twenty-seventh birthday. I

12、_3_myself. A lot of friends _4_to my birthday party _5_it.they were very _6_me. They _7_many presents for me, such as birthday cards,fruits,chocolate and flowers.I like them very much.Liao Jing bought _8_a big birthday cake and some candles.my friend Kang Xufeng played the piano.Liu Xiangnan danced

13、to disco.We talked and laughed(笑).Then we _9_at the birthday cake.Before that,I made a silent wish and blew the candles out _one breath.my friends sang the birthday song for me.I felt very happy on that day.When is your birthdya?Please tell me.Best wishes!Yours, Stone.( )1: A:in B:at C:for ( )2:A:is

14、 B:was C:be( )3: A: engoyed B:had C:am ( ) 4: A:come B:came C:are coming( )5: A:celebrate B:to celebrate C:with ( )6: A:kind B:kind to C:friendly with( )7: A:give B:bought C:take ( )8: A:my B:me C:I ( )9: A:are eating B:ate C:eated ( )10: A:in B:on C:atB: My name is Hu Xiaochuan.Today is my _1_birthday.My parents _2_me a big cake. I like cakes very much.On the table in my bedroom,you _3_see my cake.


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