黑龙江省五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版

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黑龙江省五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第1页
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黑龙江省五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第2页
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黑龙江省五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版_第3页
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《黑龙江省五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《黑龙江省五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Topic 1 Section A What are your hobbiesI. Learning Aims 学习目标1. 同学们会用prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in, be fond of 表达喜好。2. 同学们会用简单的语言形式谈论个人的兴趣爱好。II. The Key Points 重点1. 重点掌握下列词及短语的写法、读法及用法|:collect收集;value价值; hobby爱好; stone石头; doll玩具; coin硬币; act表演/条列; novel小说;used to do sth过去常常做某事;

2、be interested in对感兴趣; be fond of喜欢2. 请同学们掌握下列句型:(1) I am interested in playing basketball.我对打篮球感兴趣。(2) I love singing and playing the guitar.我喜欢唱歌和弹吉他。(3) I enjoy dancing to music.我喜欢跟着音乐跳舞。(4) I like reciting poems.我喜欢朗诵诗歌。(5) I am fond of acting.我喜欢表演。(6) I prefer playing soccer.我更喜欢踢足球。(7) What a

3、re your hobbies?你的爱好是什么?I used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now I love collecting paintings and telephone cards.我曾经喜欢听摇滚,但是现在我喜欢收集油画和电话卡。(8) What do you love collecting?你喜欢收集什么?I love collecting 我喜欢收集Why do you like collecting them?你为什么喜欢收集它们?Because 因为(9) Pleased to see you!见到你很高兴!(10) Col

4、lecting stamps must be fun!集邮一定很有趣!III. Preview自主预习1. 请同学们认读生词表中P53-54词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。2. 请同学们从Section A中划出含有下列单词的短语并理解Section A:pleased; learn; value; interested; fond3. 仔细阅读1a,用自己的语言概述Michael 和Maria爱好,准备在课堂上展示。4. 请同学们熟读2a中的句子并尝试将其背会。5. 根据1c提供的句型与同桌编一组对话,准备课堂上展示。IV. Hot links知识链接1. be pleased

5、to do 很乐意,高兴做某事pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的 Pleased to see you! 相当于Glad/ Nice to see you!【拓展】be pleased with sth/sb 对某事/某人满意如:She is pleased with her new dress. 她很满意她的新裙子。操练:我很乐意帮助你。Im _/ _ _ help you. 我的老师以前很满意我的发型。My teacher _ _ _ _ hair cut.孩子们很乐意从大人那里得到压岁钱。Kids are pleased _ _ lucky money _ the old.2. m

6、ust 意为“必须”,表推测时,意为“ 一定,肯定”。如:She isnt in her bedroom. She must be in her study. 她不在卧室,一定在书房。You must be careful when you cross the road.过马路时,你必须小心。【拓展】cant表示否定的猜测,意为”不可能”.过去式用couldnt。操练:他一定是康康的爸爸。He _ _ _ _.This bag _ _ his. His things are in it. (cant be; must be)3. be fond of 喜欢,喜爱. be fond of 后面常

7、跟名词,代词和动名词做宾语,操练:我很喜欢吃肉。I am fond of _( eat ) meat. 她很喜欢读书,所以经常去学校图书馆。 She _fond of books, so she often _ _the school library when she was young. V. Having a Quit.当堂检测(I) 根据句意及首字母提示, 补全单词。1.-Hi, Larry!P_ to see you again.-Me, too.2 -What are your h_?-I used to travel, but now I collect telephone car

8、ds.3. Li Ming has a lot of valuable c_.4. There is a table in my house. Its made of s_.5. I am i_ in basketball.(II) 根据汉语提示补充句子。1. My brother _ _ _fishing, but I am fond of running.(喜欢)2. Children can _ a lot about special moments _ stamps.(从了解)3. They often sing English songs after school, but I en

9、joy _ the guitar.(弹奏)4. I _ _ _ playing computer games, but now I never do it.(对感兴趣)5. I _ tea _ coffee, because tea is better for our health.(比起更喜欢)(III)单项选择。( ) 1. Which does your brother prefer, singing or dancing? I think he _ singing _ dancing. A. prefer; toB. prefers; to C. like; toD. likes; t

10、o( ) 2. What kind of sports do you like? I am interested in soccer. 能代替划线部分的是_.A. be fond of B. enjoys C. dont like D. am fond of( ) 3. Our math teacher is very kind to us and often helps us _ math after class.A. study B. studies C. studyingD. studied( ) 4. If a student enjoys _ computer games, he m

11、ust do badly in his study.A. play B. played C. to playD. playing( ) 5. Many young people like dancing _ music in their spare time.A. withB. to C. for D. in( ) 6. Why do you like _? I think it is great fun.A. actB. actsC. actionD. acting( ) 7. _ kites is my hobby, because they are beautiful.A. Collec

12、tB. To collectC. CollectingD. Collection( ) 8. _ do you love _?I love collecting model planes.A. Which; collectB. What things; collectC. Which things; collectD. What; collectingVI. Homework课后作业1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接”,并默写。2. 熟读1a,2a.并背诵,默写一遍。3. 用上prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in, be fond

13、 of调查班上的几名同学的“个人兴趣爱好”。 3. 按Section B中自主预习部分的要求,预习Section B.4. 完形填空。What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4 the same things. On Saturday he 5 his ca

14、r and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a 7 one but theres always 8 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them their _9_. Jack and his wife help in the fields(田地). At the end of the day, they are all _10_and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.( ) 1. A. playB. liveC. stayD. enjoy( ) 2. A. toB. forC. inD. at( ) 3. A. dayB. timeC. autumnD. we


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