陕西省西安市2020届九年级英语第二次(12月)月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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陕西省西安市2020届九年级英语第二次(12月)月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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《陕西省西安市2020届九年级英语第二次(12月)月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西省西安市2020届九年级英语第二次(12月)月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、陕西省西安市庆安中学2020届九年级英语第二次(12月)月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(满分120分,时间90分钟)第一卷 (70 分)听力部分I. 听句子,选答语。(5分)( ) 1. A. He likes sports. B. He is tall and thin. C. He is looking at a map.( ) 2. A. They were very well. B. I am fine. C. It is great.( ) 3. A. I have no idea. B. Sure, go ahead. C. No, you cant.( ) 4. A. Good

2、 luck. B. Well done. C. Its a pleasure.( ) 5. A. Sorry, I wont. B. Yes, I will. C. It doesnt matter.II. 听对话,选答案。(10分)( ) 6. A. At the store. B. In the hospital. C. At home.( ) 7. A. England. B. Canada. C. Australia.( )8. A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy. ( )9. A. On June 17th. B. On July 28th . C. On A

3、ugust 27th( )10. A. By subway. B. On foot. C. By taxi.( )11. A. Because she has to work. B. Because she is ill. C. Because shes visiting a friend in the hospital.( )12.A. This Monday. B. Next Monday. C. Next month.( )13.A. Father and son. B. Headmaster and teacher. C. Teacher and student.( )14. A. A

4、rt B. Biology. C. Geography.( )15. A. At 4:45. B. At 5:15. C. At 5:55. III. 听短文,选答案:(10分)( )16. How often does an earthquake happen? A. Every 30 hours. B. Every 30 minutes. C. Every 30 seconds.( )17. What should you do during an earthquake?A. Run away quickly. B. Hide under a desk if you are indoors

5、.C. Stand under trees.( )18. _ are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. A. Fire B. Flood C. After-shocks.( )19. If you are at home and you smell _, you must get out of the building as quickly as you can. A. bad things B. gas C. smoke( )20. This passage tells us _.A. an earthquake happened in

6、ChinaB. tips on how to stay safe in an earthquakeC. be careful with the earthquake 笔试部分I. 单项选择:(10分)21. _ ask for the teachers when you have questions? A. Why not do B. Why dont C. Why D. Why not22. I hope all of you can hand _ your homework _ time every day. A. in, in B. out, in C. in, on D. in , a

7、t 23. -What a difficult question! -So it is. Lets ask Mr Li. He may _ with a good solution to it. A. come up B. make up C. catch up D. use up24. Beijing is one of the _ in the world today. A. busiest city B. busiest cities C. busy city D. busy cities25. -Im always a little nervous when I talk to Mrs

8、. Zhou. - _. She is strict. But she is kind to her students. A. Thats right B. What a pity C. Take it easy D. Take your time26. No one _ be laughed at, especially in public. A. likes B. would like C. is willing to D. is like to 27. Hes got a bad cold _ the bad weather. A. as B. since C. because D. b

9、ecause of 28.When she heard the news about the earthquake in Wenchuan, she bought some new clothes and _ to the people. A. give them away B. give it away C. gave them away D. gave it away 29. It _ that many people have problems in their heart after the earthquake. A. says B. said C. is said D. has s

10、aid 30. Li Lei _ a beautiful girl for about two years. A. has been married with B. has married to C. has got married with D. has been married to II. 完型填空: (10分) Food is very important. Everyone needs to eat well _31_ he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds _32_ need a kind of food. This kin

11、d of food is knowledge. When we are very _33_, we start getting knowledge. Young children like watching and listening. Color pictures especially _34_ them. When children are older, they enjoy _35_. When something interests them, they love asking_36_.Our minds, _37_ our bodies, always need the best f

12、ood. Studying on our own _38_the most knowledge. If someone is always telling us answers, we _39_ learn well. When we study correctly and get knowledge on our own, we will learn _40 _ and understand better.31. A. whether B. weather C. if D. unless32. A. also B. too C. either D. /33. A. small B. litt

13、le C. young D. happy34. A. interests B. interest C. interesting D. interested35. A. watching B. reading C. looking D. seeing36. A. roads B. questions C. ways D. road37. A. as B. like C. liking D. look like38. A. take B. takes C. bring D. brings 39. A. sometimes B. usually C. often D. never40. A. much B. many C. more D. too muchIII. 阅读理解:( 25分) A Young people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. They say that their parents dont understand them. They often think their parents are too strict with them, and they are never given a


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