陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月双基竞赛试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月双基竞赛试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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《陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月双基竞赛试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月双基竞赛试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、陕西省西安市庆安中学2020学年七年级英语10月双基竞赛试题(无答案) 人教新目标版英语是通向世界的桥梁。掌握一门外语,打开一个世界!如果你想拥有更加多姿多彩的生活,那就努力吧,我们一起学英语!考试,能检验你的知识,同时,也考验你的意志和品质。愿你考出风格,考出水平!I.单项选择(15分)1. Whats this _ English? -Its _ appleA. at;a B. on;an C. in;an D. with;a2. _ is a girl. _ name is Linda A. He;She B. She;Her C.She;She D. He;His3. Are thes

2、e your books? -_. A. Yes, they are my. B. Yes, it is mine. C. Yes, they are mine. D. No, they are her.4. - _?- P-E-N.A. Is this your pen B. Is that a pen C. Please spell it D. How do you spell it 5. -Whats this? - _ desk.A. It is B. Thats a C. Its a D. Its a6. -_ is that woman? - She is Jims mother.

3、A. Who B. How C. What D. When7You and I _ good friends. A. am B. is C. are D. be8. -Thank you very much. -_A. No thanks B. Thank you too C. Thats all right D. You are welcome9. -Where are your bikes? - They are _ A. green B. good C. under the tree D. trees10. - “Your English is very good!” - “_ ”A.

4、OK B. Thank you C. Yes D. Bye-bye11. _ He is eight.AWhat is he? Bwhat old is he? CHow old he is? DHow old is he?12. -Hello! Tom. _ my friend, John. -Nice to meet you, John. A. He is B. They are C. It is D. This is13. I have a cat. _ name is Mimi A. It B. Its C. Its D. His14.- _ , is this his pencil?

5、 -_, I dont know.A. Sorry; Excuse me. B. Hello; Ok C. Hi; Excuse me. D. Excuse me; Sorry. 15. Thank you _ the picture _ your family A. of; for B. of ;in C. for; of D. for ;inII.完形填空(10分)Look! I 16 Tom. This is 17 pencil case. Its orange. Its 18 pencil case. Whats 19 the pencil case? A ruler is in th

6、e pencil case. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue 20 red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It 21 my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is 22 pencil. That boy is Tim. I found 23 green pen in the pencil case. I call Tim 24 7890003. It is his telephone 25 .( )16、 A、is B、am C. are D be( )17、 A a

7、 B an C the D./( )18、 A your B I C my D. His( )19、 A at B in C of D. on( )20、 A not B or C but D and( )21. A isnt B be C not D. is( )22. A she B her C my D I( )23. A he B your C her D his( )24. A in B up C on D at( )25. A name B card C number D bookIII.阅读理解(15分) AI am a middle school student. My nam

8、e is Cindy. I have a good teacher. She is Miss Wang. I have(有) a good friend. She is Li Ying. But she isnt at school today. She is ill in bed(生病在床). Look! Here is a bag. But it isnt my bag. Its Li Yings.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 26. Cindy is in Miss Wangs class. ( ) 27. Cindy has a sister. Her name is

9、Li Ying. ( ) 28. Li Ying isnt at school today. ( ) 29. This bag is Cindys. ( ) 30. Cindy and Li Ying are friends.BLostMy English dictionary.My name is Lucy. I am 12 years old.Please call 482-7369.FoundA set of keys.Please call Tony. Phone 867-5143. 31Lucy lost her_.A、bookB、ruler C、dictionary D. comp

10、uter32Lucys phone number is_. A、four eight two seven three six nineB、four eight seven two three seven nineC、four eight two three seven six nineD. four eight seven two three seven nine 33_found a set of keys.A、Lucy B、TonyC、Nick D. Tom34Lucy is _ years old.A、twelveB、elevenC、thirteen D. fourteen35Tonys

11、 telephone number is_.A、687-5143B、768-1543C、867-5143 D. 482-7369C This is a photo of Mr Blacks family. The man with glasses is Mr Black, the father. The woman is the mother. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind Mr Black. His name is Jack. Hes 14. Kate is Jacks sister. She is 12. Jack an

12、d Kate are in the same school. But they are in different(不同的) grades. Jack is in Grade Nine and Kate is in Grade Seven. They are good students.36.Mr and Mrs Black have _.Aa son and a daughter B. Jack and Kates sister. C. Three children(孩子) D. a family of five37. The woman is _ motherA. Kates B. Jacks C. A and B D. Mr Blacks38. Jack and Kate are in the same _.A. class B. grade C. school D. age39. Black is their _ nameA. first B. last C. boys first D. familys40. Jack and Kate are _.A. good children B. good students C. in different schools D. in the same gradeIV.从栏选出栏各句的答语:(5分)


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