陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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《陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、陕西省西安市2020学年七年级英语10月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版第卷(选择题,共45分). 单项选择(共10小题,计10分)1、- _ is this pen? - Its white. A .Whats B .What color C Whats color D .What name2、- Hi, Dale! How are you? - _, thanks. . A. How are you B. Im fine C. Good morning D. Nice to meet you3、- Hi, my name is Jenny. Nice to meet you! - _. A

2、 .Im fine. B How are you? C. Nice to meet you, too. D. No, thanks. 4、- Whats her family name? - _. A . Jenny B. Linda C. Tom D. Brown 5、- Whats this? - Its a _. A .egg B .orange C. jacket D .apple 6、- _do you spell pen ? - PE-N. A. What B. Whats C. How D. Hows7、_your school ID card?. A .This is B. I

3、s this C. Am I D. Are it8、-Is this your watch_ the lost and found case, Jack?-Yes, _ _. A .at; its B. in; it is C. in; this is D. for; thiss9、- Is this_computer game? - Yes, _is _computer game. A. his; it; me B. your; this; his C. your; it; my D. you; it; my10、My father and my mother are my_ . A. pa

4、rent B. parents C. brothers D. sisters. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各个小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 Hello, boys and girls! Nice to _11_you! My name_12_Alice Smith. I am a _13_.Im 13. Look! _14_ this? It is a photo_15_ my family. These are my parents and this is my_16_, Linda. She is 9. My mother is

5、 a teacher (教师) in a _17_. My father is a teacher, too. My pen is red, and Lindas ruler is_18_, too. Our _19_is 826-9125. You can_20_ us at it. I love my family. 11. A. thank B. meet C. excuse D. look 12. A. am B. is C. are D. /13. A. father B. brother C. girl D. boy14. A. What B. Whats C. How D. Ho

6、ws 15. A. in B. at C. to D. of16. A. sister B. mother C. friend D. aunt 17. A. picture B. photo C. school D. family 18. A. red B. green C. black D. white19. A. card number B. last name C. first name D. telephone number 20. A. call B. found C. spell D. lost. 阅读理解(计25分)A) 阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“

7、A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。(共5小题,计5分) A This is my friend, Bob Smith .He is 13 and he is a student (学生).His school ID card number is A-6352. He likes (喜欢) blue. Look at his photo. His schoolbag is blue. He and his family are in Beijing. His father likes black and his mother likes red. His sister, Lisa is a stu

8、dent, too. She is 10 and she is very nice. ( ) 21. Bobs last name is Smith.( ) 22. Bobs school ID card number is A-6325.( ) 23. Bob is in Beijing.( ) 24. Bobs father likes blue.( ) 25. Lisa is Bobs mother.B)阅读B,C两部分内容,从各个小题所给的三个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,计20分)B Look at the girl, she is eleven.

9、Her name is Wang Fang. I am eleven, too. My name is Kate. Wang Fang and I are good friends. She is in Class One, Grade One. She is Number 8 in Row 5. I am in Class One, Grade One. I am Number 9 in Row 6. We are at school today.( ) 26. How old is Wang Fang? A. She is eleven. B. She is twelve. C. She

10、is ten.( )27. Wang Fang and I are_. A. girls B. boys C. teachers( ) 28. What grade are Wang Fang and I in? A. Grade One. B. Grade Two. C. Grade Three( ) 29. Wang Fang is my_. A. good teacher B. good friend C. brother( ) 30. Where are Wang Fang and I today? A. At school. B. At home. C. Here.C Look! I

11、m Tom. This is a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. Its my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. Its black and white. Its not my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found his green pen

12、in the lost and found case. I call Tim at 7890003. Its his telephone number.( ) 31.What color is the pencil case? A. Its orange. B. Its blue and red. C. Its green.( ) 32.I am Tom. That is not my_. A. pencil B. pencil case C. ruler( ) 33._has (有) a pencil. A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim( ) 34. _found the pen in the lost and found case. A. Tom B. Lucy C. Tim( ) 35.I am Tom. Is my telephone number 7890003? A. Yes B. No. C. OK第卷(非选择题,共55分)完成句子。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)根据所给中文意思,完成下列各句。 1. 汤姆是她的哥哥。Tom is_ _ _.2. 那些是露西的笔记本。_ _ _ Lucys notebooks.3. 这是一串钥匙。This is_ _ _ keys.4. 她的姓氏是格林


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