辽宁省大连市第七十六中学八年级英语上册 Module5 Unit1练习(无答案) 外研版

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1、辽宁省大连市第七十六中学八年级英语上册 Module5 Unit1练习(无答案) 外研版学习目标:重点单词和语法反意疑问句一、 完成下列反意疑问句:1. He likes playing computer games, _?2. She doesnt like Beijing Opera, _?3. He did his homework at home yesterday, _?4. There are some trees near here, _?5. He was born in Beijing, _?6. His parents said nothing about that, _?

2、7. Your friend has already heard of the news, _?8. Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it, _?9. There is little milk in the bottle, _?10. They have never been to Canada, _?二、 单项选择:1. How _ did she finish this work? A. on earth B. in earth C. at earth D. with earth2. When you

3、 go _ the raod, please be careful. A. through B. across C. over D. between3. He is new here. Ive never _ him. A. heard of B. heard from C. heard to D. heard for4. He feels unhappy, _? A. isnt he B. does he C. doesnt he D. is he5. You dont know much about the film, do you? _. Please tell me something

4、 about it.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Certainly D. Yes, I dont6. Jim has _ been to China, has he? A. ever B. just C. already D. never7. Father put the pen under a book, _? A. isnt he B. wasnt he C. doesnt he D. didnt he8. The Blue Danube is _ the composer Johann Strauss. A. of B. in C. by D. on9.

5、Rock music has _ rhythms and simple tunes. A. soft B. strong C. quick D. slow10. I have never met your sister, but I _ her. A. thought of B. heard from C. thought about D. heard of 11. You _ right this time. A. maybe B. may be C. probably D. perhaps12. How many _ from school orchestra are there in t

6、he hall? A. students B. visitors C. composers D. players三、 根据英文解释写出相应的单词或短语:1. someone who makes up songs and music _2. the middle of the space or area _3. come to the end of life; stop living _4. a hollow instrument that you hit to make music _5. modern music consists of simple tones and it is popu

7、lar with young people _四、 根据首字母及汉语提示完成句子:1. Shes a l_ child and everyone likes her.2. Eat what you want and throw the r_ away.3. The problem was very _ (严肃的). My friend was angry.4. You _ (记录) the score in a notebook, didnt you?5. It isnt a red apple, is it? _, it _. (对,它不是红色的。)6. She says its a goo

8、d film, though she hasnt _ (实际上) seen it.7. Her _ (大) daughter has gone to England.8. Xian Xinghai was a famous m_.9. Several _ (世纪) has passed since that great musician died.10. What _ (乐器) does he play in the orchestra?五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. You like _ (west) music, dont you?2. The music is bright and

9、 _ (live).3. My Chinese teacher is much _ (serious) than my English teacher.4. There are two _ (Germany) in our factory.5. Dont be _ (noise), your father is sleeping.6. He studies _ (careful) than all the other students in his class.7. Sandy was _(happy) because she faliled in the maths exam yesterd

10、ay.8. Mozart is a famous _ (Europe) composer.9. His father _ (dead) in a traffic accident in 2020.10. Excuse me. Do you know a boy _ (call) Xiao Ming?六、 根据汉语意思完成下列句子:1. 他到底什么时候能到天津?When _ _ can he arrive _ Tianjin?2. 山东省的省会是哪儿?Whats the _ of Shandong _?3. 那条河流经上海?Which river _ _ Shanghai?4. 与传统音乐相比较

11、,他更喜欢流行音乐。He _ pop music _ _ music.5. 你班中有多少西方古典音乐的爱好者?How many _ _ _ _ music are there in your class?6. 托尼出生于美国,不是吗?Tony _ _ in America, _ _?是的,他是。 _, he _.7. 杰克不喜欢流行音乐,对吧?Jack _ _ pop musit, _ _?是的,他不喜欢。他喜欢传统京剧。_, he _. He likes _ _.8. 我确定他明天会来这儿。I _ _ that he _ _ _ tomorrow.七、 本课小结:重点单词:fun, Germ

12、an, Austrian, composer, fan, lively, sad, serious,sure, noisy, sure重点短语:hear of, give us a break, go through, on earth, in addition to, listen to music重点语法:反意疑问句的构成及其回答方式。八、 反思:Module 5 Unit 2 一、 单项选择:1. He wrote his first opera _ the age of 14. A. in B. on C. with D. at 2. Mozart _ in 1791 when he was only 35. A. death B. die C. died D. dies3. The son was _ more popular than his father. A. many B. ever since C. even D. even more4. What are the doctors doing? They are busy _


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