辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module2 Unit3学案(无答案) 外研版

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辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module2 Unit3学案(无答案) 外研版_第1页
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1、辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module2 Unit3学案(无答案) 外研版教学目标: 知识方面,掌握全部重点词语的用法和一般现在时态的被动语态的概念和用法;在能力方面,能读懂谈论人物或介绍文学的对话;能谈论自己喜欢的文学作品;能与同学谈论、交流对文学作品的看法;在文化意识方面,加深对整个传统文化的了解,加强对西方著名作家、戏剧家及其文学作品的了解;在情感方面,培养学生爱读书,以丰富学识和提高自身素质。 课文复习Confucius was a great in China. He is known for his _ thoughts. We are still by his th

2、oughts. He is by us. Shakespeare was a of plays and poems. Some of his most famous are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. He was born in 1564 in England. His plays are seen millions of people every year. Mark Twain was a famous American . He wrote a lot of . His books are popular. For ,The Adventures of T

3、om Sawyer配套练习:1 用所给词的适当形式填空:注意时态和语态1) The Great Wall _ (know) all over the world. 2) A storm _ often _ (follow) by a calm. 3) Some newspapers _ (publish) once a week. 4) English is very popular. It _ widely _ (use) in many fields.5) Plato was a great thinker. The modern world _ still _ (influence) b

4、y his thoughts about life, education and so on. 单选:1 On _ sides of the street are a lot of colorful flowers. (06河北省) A. each B. both C. either D. all2.Your skirt looks nice. Is it _ cotton? (06辽宁省十一市)A. made in B. made of C. made from D. made by3 My grandma didnt go to sleep _ I got back home. (重庆市)

5、A. where B. until C. as soon as D. while 4.I wont go to bed until the TV play _ over. (福州市)Youd better not do that. A. is B. was C. will D. will be5 Is the boy in a white T-shirt _ Jack? Oh. No .He is Tom.A calls B calling C to call D called6 Its _ to meet my old friends in a foreign country.A surpr

6、ising B surprised C angry D pleased课文改编:Plato lived from 427 to 347 BC in ancient Greece. 1_ travelled in Greece, Africa and Italy. He was a great 2_.The modern_3_ _is still influenced by his thoughts about life, education, government , art, math and science. When he returned_4_ Athens, he _5_ philosophy at the Academy. Platos 6 are called The Dialogues.课后作业:教学小结:


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