辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module11 Unit1学案(无答案) 外研版

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1、辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module11 Unit1学案(无答案) 外研版Unit One Its the biggest city in China一教学目标:通过对话学习,初步了解我们国家目前面对的一些危机,激发学生的忧患意识。同时体会冠词在英语中的使用,大数字的读写方式等。 二预习:(一)从对话中找出下列短语及翻译句子1.足够的空间2.太多车辆3.在正解的地点4.逐渐增长的人口5.与-一起6.交通问题7.查找8.-的百分之二十9.朝-走来10.开始,进行,举行,发生11.由于12.颁奖13.不知道14.That makes 136,130,400 babies every

2、 year._.15.And the population of China is about one billion, three hundred million._.(二)有英语将下列数字的讲法写出来1. 136,130,4002. 2,315,130,681三、对话理解1. Which is the biggest city in China?2.Whos going to present the prizes?四、 词汇练习(一)根据句意和首字母提示完成所缺单词.1. I will go a_ with you. 2. T_ in big cities is controlled by

3、 red and green lights.3. Ten p_ of the pupils are absent today.4. We should obey the l_ in our country.5. The cleaners burnt the r_ after they finished cleaning the street.(二)用所给单词的适当形式填空1. There were _(crowd) of people at the theatre.2. The population of this town has _ (increase) by 5 percent.3. I

4、ll let you know if anything _( close) down last year.4. _( thank) to your help, we finished the task ahead of time.5. The paper factory was _(close) down last year.6. _(add) 5 to 3 and you have 8. 五、用a , an, the 填空,完成句子1.There are about _ thousand people in the hall.2.Which is _tallest boy in your c

5、las?3._city we visit was very quiet and clean.4.Can you close _ window?5.Miss Smart is _ experienced teacher.6.Tony is _ honest boy. He likes playing _ piano.7.Do you know _ girl whose father works as a policeman?8.There is _ man waiting for you at the school gate.9.He goes to Shanghai once _ week.1

6、0.Chinese people will travel to _ moon.四、课文改编The students are talking about what will be in the next _ _ ,and the topic they choose is _, because it has become an _ _ in many countries. They also _ _ some facts.And the school prize-giving is _ _ next week, includes a _ prize for New Standard because

7、 it has been the _ new school magazine in Beijing. The singer, Beckey Wang will _ _ _ and shes also the person who _ New Standard.五、单项选择( )1. Can I help you, madam? Im looking for _ pair of shoes for my daughter.A. the B. anC. a D. some( )2. It _ my pleasure to see you here today. A. looks forward t

8、oB. adds toC. leads to D. thanks to( )3. _having a cup of tea? Good idea! A. How aboutB. Would you likeC. Do you likeD. Do you enjoy( )4. Whats the _of the country? About one billion.A. peopleB. populationC. pollutionD. position( )5. I am happy because my mother has _ my pocket money. A. addedB. influencedC. increased D. risen课后作业:教学反思:


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