辽宁省东港市黑沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the best movie theater Section B(1a-2a)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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辽宁省东港市黑沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the best movie theater Section B(1a-2a)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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辽宁省东港市黑沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the best movie theater Section B(1a-2a)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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《辽宁省东港市黑沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the best movie theater Section B(1a-2a)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省东港市黑沟中学八年级英语上册 Unit 4 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the best movie theater Section B(1a-2a)学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4(Section B 1a-2a)课前热身:学习目标:1.掌握本课的重点单词与短语。2.听力训练。3.继续巩固adj.和adv. 的最高级。学会利用最高级描写学校或班级同学的才艺。自主学习: 学习1a/1b,掌握如下短语。 最无聊的_ 最有创意的_我认识的最的 _ 我认识的最无聊的人是我的舅舅。_ 我认识的最有创意的人是我的同学Tom. 我曾经看过的最安静的人是朴树。合作探究:My cousin Li Jing is the funniest person (that)I know. (_从句, 放在名词后修饰名词)类似句型:My cousin Li Jing is the fun

2、niest person (that)Ive ever seen. 听1c 和1d, 完成听力内容,并掌握如下短语及句型。 才艺表演(才艺秀、达人秀)_一个优秀的钢琴演奏者_ 我也是_无法停止做某事_ 倒立_ 一直掉球_ 一直做某事_确实,毫无疑问地_1. Wasnt that a great talent show? _2. Who did you think was the best act? _3. I thought Eliza was the best. _4. I couldnt stop laughing. _5. I dont know many people who can

3、play the guitar upside down!6. He kept dropping the doors.7. They were the loudest for sure.合作探究:1.Wasnt that a great talent show? 这是一个否定的一般疑问句,翻译成“难道不吗?这类句子的回答与肯定的疑问句不同。Yes译成不,No译成是的。选择题里常出现。Isnt he a student? Yes, he is. _. No, he isnt. _Doesnt he like English? _.He likes Chinese.Cant she swim? _.

4、 He swims very well.2.Who did you think was the best act? 你认为谁是最好的表演?did you think 是插入语, 放在疑问词后,后面的句子要保持陈述句语序。I think he is a student. _ do you think _ _?What do you think of ?=_ do you _ 3.stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来,去做某事。My father was tired, he decided to stop_(rest).My father was ti

5、red, but he didnt stop _(work).4.keep doing sth. 一直做某事。He was very tired, but he kept _(listen) to the teacher.Keep _(quiet)! The baby is seeping. (keep 可用作系动词,后加adj.构成系表结构)基础检测:1. Bob is_( young ) than Fred but _(tall) than Fred.2. Tom is not as _ (tall) as Yao Ming.3. Almost all the students faces

6、 are the same but Li Deming looks _(fat) than before .4. Which is _ (heavy), a hen or a chicken?5.- How_(tall) is Sally?-She s 1.55 meters_(tall).Whatabout Xiaoling? - She s only 1.40 meters _(tall). She is much _(short) than Sally. She is also the _ (short)girl inthe class.6. He is _ (bad) at learn

7、ing math. He is much _ (bad) at Chinese and he is the_ (bad) at English.7. Annie says Sally is the _ (kind) person in the world.8.He is one of the_(friendly) people in the class, I think.9. A dictionary is much _ (expensive)than a story-book.10. An orange is a little _(big) than an apple, but much _

8、(small) than a watermelon.课后作业:1.My younger sister does the _(最少)work in my family.2.Tom is _(最懒的) boy in his family. He never does housework.3.I have a lot of homework _(要做).4._ (你认为)of Dandong.5.Who was _(最好的表演者)6.I dont know many people _(倒立弹吉他的人)7.我止不住笑。_.8.The old man feels _(更糟). He should go to the doctor.9. 他一直掉球。_.10.He has the _(最少) apples of all.11.My father Li Jing is _(我知道的最搞笑的人)12.I think the math teachers are _(最有才艺的人)



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