辽宁省大连市第七十六中学九年级英语上册 Module10 Unit1学案(无答案) 外研版

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1、Module 10 FitnessUnit One Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics学案 学习目标:能够运用观点,态度的表达方式;能谈论身体保持健康的话题。能够掌握whose 引导的定语从句。能够听懂对话中人物的情感以及解决问题的建议,找出原因,掌握并运用如下词汇:training, fitness, ache, exercise, running, weight, weight lifting, give up, unlikely, bump, bump into, interest.课前预习:1.篮球训练

2、 2.有点累 3.有点疼4.放弃 5.保持健康 6.足够强壮7.需要做某事 8.做大量运动 9.去跑步10.做举重训练 11.不要跟我谈论那个 12.在学校的舞会上 13.我再也不被允许使用它 14.碰见 15.祝你好运翻译句子:1.Ive got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics2.There is a boy in our team whose parents want him to go to a sports school.3.He doesnt look like someone whose fitness and

3、 health interest him very much!用所给词的适当形式填空:1.I lost my money. Its (likely)for me to buy the book Harry Potter2.I know a person (who)father is a famous professor.3.He doesnt look like some one whose (fit)and and health interest him4.Hes the person whose camera I (near)lost.5.Its (luck)for him to get

4、the computer so soon.用所给短语的适当形式填空:a bit, give up, good luck, bump into, talk to 1.Hes driving because of his illness.2.I an old friend in the street yesterday.3.The park is _ quiet. Its a great place to relax ourselves.4.Betty is her friends about the film Mother.5.He always has in what he does课堂检测:

5、1.我的左腿有点痛.My left leg .2.杰克逊看上去不高兴,有什么事吗?Jackson looks unhappy 3.不要同我谈那件事了,太无聊了。 .Thats .4.你的乒乓球训练怎么样了? was your ?5.你喜欢健身课吗?Do you like ? )根据句意及首字母提示填空。1. Put some s_ into the soup to make it sweet. 2. This is my first time to this restaurant. Please show me the m_ first.3. It is important to have a

6、 healthy d_ to keep fit.4. It is not a good way to e_ a child by making him do things against his will.5. He eats little so that he can lose some w_.B)从方框中选出适当的词填空, 有的需要变换形式。behave;typical;persuade;interest;taste6. All of my classmates are _ in this kind of book.7. Do you know what the_ weather is in Britain?8. Try some noodles! They are _!9. You _ very well yesterday so I will give you a gift as a prize.10. He has _ his brother to stop fighting with other children.作业: A层: B层:课堂小结:


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