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1、甘肃省玉门油田二中2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题(无答案)听力部分I听力(每题1分,共20分)听录音,选出句中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1A$9 B$19 C$90 ( )2AAustria BAustralia CAmerican( )3AThis afternoon BSunday afternoon CSaturday afternoon( )4Awhite shirt Bbright shirt Cwhite skirt ( )5A kinds B its C wrong)听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )6Where are the wo

2、mans trousers? AThey are on the bed BThey are right here CThey are over there ( )7Where is her brother now?AHe is at home BHe is in the hospital CHe is at work ( )8Who is the tallest?AJane BJames CJim ( )9Will the woman see her uncle?ANo, she wont BYes, she will CNo, she didnt ( )10How did Mary go t

3、here?AOn foot BBy train CBy plane )听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )11What did the man say?AHe said he would go to mend his bike BHe said he was going to mend his bikeCHe said he was going to visit a small factory( )12How long has the woman lived the city ?AFor sixty years BFor about fifty-nine years CFor

4、sixty-one years( )13What does the man want to do ? AHe wants to turn off the radio BHe wants to turn down the radio CHe wants the woman to turn down the radio( )14What does this man want to be ?Aan engineer Ban actor Can artist( )15What does Bill do now?Aa teacher Ba student Ca journalistD)听短文,根据短文内

5、容选择正确答案。(5分)( )16Joe went to Sichuan Alast summer Blast winter Cthis winter( )17Tina is Joes _ Asister Bclassmate Cpen pal( )18Tina lives in this year ASichuan BAmerica CLondon( )19Joe decided to _ Astay at home Bgo sightseeing Cvisit his grandparents( )20Which is TRUE according to the passage? AJoe

6、 visited Tina for his holiday this winter BJoes father lives in the countryside CJoe is coming back on the 26th笔试部分II词汇(每空1分,共20分))根据句意及句子的要求完成单词,每空一词。(10分)1When s_ we go there tomorrow? Please tell me the exact time2I can go to take care of your dog i_ of you when you are busy.3They went to the cou

7、ntryside last summer v_ .4Its cold outsideI think the temperature must be b_ zero5Its d_ to climb so highCome down quickly!6The ground was _ (cover) with snow.7Some of the advantages are _ (true) wonderful8It may even _ (cause) the accident9China is in the _(east) part of the world.10. Someone has _

8、 (偷盗) my money.) 根据要求写出相应的词形。(10分)1. hope (形容词)_ 2. appear(反义词)_ 3. dirt(形容词)_4. shake(过去式)_ 5. mouse(复数)_ 6. hide(过去分词)_7. little(比较级)_ 8. buy(反义词)_ 9. cut(现在分词)_ 10. push (第三人称单数)_III单项选择:(每题1分,共30分)( )1Children have fun _ outside in springAto run Bruns Crunning Drun( )2_ fine weather it is! AWhat

9、 BHow CWhat a DHow a( )3His uncle is going to the farm_ about an hourAin Bon Cat Dto( )4There is _with my eyes, I cant see clearly Asomething wrong Banything wrong Cwrong anything Dwrong something ( )5We often chat with our friends _ calling each other.Awith Bby Cin Don( )6 I saw many winter jasmine

10、_ on my way home Ato blossom Bblossoming Cblossomed Dis blossoming ( )7The best way _ English is _ it A to learn; to use B learning; use C learning; to use D to learn; use( )8 The wind is blowing gently_ the treesAcross Bacross Cthrough Dover ( )9_ Im hungry, _ I have some food. ABecause; so BSo; be

11、cause CBecause; / DBecause; but( )10You can find_ beautiful flowers anytime of the year. Ahundred Bhundreds Cseveral hundreds Dhundreds of( )11Jim bought a pair of shoes, it _him 100 yuanAtook Btakes Ccost Dspent( )12 Its_ to walk in the forest Apleased Bpleasure Cpleasant Dplease( )13 Maybe there_ a thunderstorm tomorrow Ais Bhave Cwill have Dwill be( )14When it comes to _, this tree is really funny. Alaugh Blaughed Claughs Dlaughing( )15I found_ difficult to learn math.Athat


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