江苏省涟水县红日中学2020届九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Detective stories Reading(2)》教学案 牛津版

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江苏省涟水县红日中学2020届九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Detective stories Reading(2)》教学案 牛津版_第1页
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江苏省涟水县红日中学2020届九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Detective stories Reading(2)》教学案 牛津版_第2页
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《江苏省涟水县红日中学2020届九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Detective stories Reading(2)》教学案 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省涟水县红日中学2020届九年级英语上册《Unit 6 Detective stories Reading(2)》教学案 牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Detective stories Reading(2)一、 教学目标1 学习一篇关于谋杀案的新闻报道。2 了解关键词汇。3 培养阅读技巧。4 能理解和运用文中的重点短语和句型。二,教学重难点Words: confirm, body, victim, somewhere, attack, bleed, death, struggle, attacker, bright, add, enemy, crime, charge, several, heavilyPhrases: in the doorway of, computer programmer, take place, to

2、p detective, hear from, be attacked with a knife, bleed to death, evidence of a struggle, put up a good fight, well-paid job, be guilty of, be charged with, over the last year, offer a reward of, lead to, contact sb onSentences: 1 He was the last seen leaving his office in New Town at about 7:00 p.m

3、. 2 They are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then dumped in Valley Town, or killed at the place where he was found. 3 Detective Jones said that the victim was guilty of computer crimes in the past. 4 He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last y

4、ear. 5 .The victims parents have offered a reward of US $50000 for any information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.三,交流展示1. add(1) add用作动词,意为“补充说”“接着说”。e.g. “I quite agree.” He added. 他补充说:“我十分同意。”He added that we would have an English exam tomorrow. 他接着说我们明天有英语考试。 (2) add 用作及物动词,意为“加”“增加”“

5、添加” e.g. The fire is going out. Please add some wood. (3) addto意为“给。增加(添加)” e.g. If you add 50 to 60, you will get 110. 50加60等于110. Will you add more sugar to your coffee? 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?(4) add to意为“增加”“增添”“增进” e.g. I believe that this visit will add to our understanding of your country. 我相信这次访问将增进我们对贵

6、国的了解。计达两千五百人。四、精讲点拨He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.(1) charge with意为“指控,控诉,告发,(因某事)谴责(人)”e.g. He was charged with murder. 他被控犯谋杀罪。(2) chargewith意为“指示,委以某人责任”。e.g. The teacher charged me with calling the name. 老师指派我点名。(3) in charge of 是一个习惯短语,意为“负责,主管”。e.

7、g. She is in charge of the baby. 这婴儿由她负责照料。五、达标检测I、选词填空:took place, broke into, reported, as a result, were charged with, enemies, fingerprint, was guilty of, were1. A thief _my house and stole many things yesterday.2. The police proved that Mr. Lin _ the robbery.3. Two men kidnapping by the police

8、yesterday.4. The murder _ in a wooden house last night.5. My sister was ill yesterday, she was late for school.6. I dont know if the man who died yesterday had any_7. Its _ that a terrible typhoon will hit the area this weekend.8. The police are now checking the scene for _ and other clue II、用所给词的正确

9、形式填空III、.单项选择( ) 1. He _ heavily after running a moment ago. A. breath B. breathe C. breathing D. breathed( ) 2. John and Jack were _very tired, but _of them wanted to have a rest. A. both; none B. all; none C. both; neither D. all; either( ) 3. A suspect _ walking down the street with blood on his

10、trousers. A. saw B. was seen C. seen D. was seeing( ) 4. I dont think the young man is_. He looks so young and so kind. A. charge B. murder C. guilty D. crimeIV、.完成句子。1. 警方指控他犯盗窃罪。 The police _ stealing.2. 工作太多休息太少常常导致疾病Too much work and too little rest often _ _ illness.3. 这位年轻聪明的工程师之死令人悲哀 _ this bright and young engineer is sad.4. 在午夜到早上5点这段时间,有人强行进入这所房子。 Some one _ the house between midnight and 5 am.5. 我们不能肯定这是否使他结了一些仇人。We _ this has made him some enemies.6. 他有案发时在另一场所的证据。 He had evidence to prove that he was at the time of the crime.7. 迄今为止,你是对的。 you are right.六、教学反馈(反思) 学生反馈: 教师反思:


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