江苏省邳州市第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Reading精编学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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《江苏省邳州市第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Reading精编学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省邳州市第二中学九年级英语全册 Unit 4 Reading精编学案(无答案) 人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语:Unit 4 Reading精编学案(人教版九年级)1.马丁.鲁宾逊是一位在处理青少年问题方面很有经验的著名医生。_1) 这是一个复合句,其中Martin Robinson is a famous doctor 是主句, whoteenagers 是由关系代词who 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 doctor.2) 定语从句中dealing 前省略了介词in , “在方面经验丰富” 应为 _ 如: 他在教学方面经验丰富. He _.3) _ 是固定短语,意思是”处理(问题,任务等)” , 如: 他不知道怎样处理这起交通事故. He didnt know _ _ _ _ the accide

2、nt.2.首先要取得医疗帮助,然后使她舒服些,并和她呆在一起._请同学们完成下列各题, 总结 make (使;迫使;令) 的用法:1) Ill try my best to _.(我会尽最大努力使母亲幸福) make _ + _2) She _ to go to see the old woman once a week. (她定下一条规则,每周去看望老人一次.) make _ + _3) What _? (什么使你这么想?) make _ + _4) Sit down and _ yourself _ _.(请做,不要拘束.) make _ + _5) When you speak Engl

3、ish,be sure to _. (说英语时一定要让人懂得你的意思.) make _ + _特别提醒 当 “make sb. do sth.” 结构用于被动语态时,不定式要复原,即要加上”to”. 如:1) The boss made the workers work for twelve hours a day in the old days.- The workers _ _ _ _ for twelve hours in the old days.2) We _ _ _ _ there for another day.(让我们又在那里呆了一天.)3.一个朋友在聚会上请你吸烟._ 动词

4、_ 表示主动”提供”给予”, 提供给某人某物 _ _= _ ; 主动提出做某事_ 如: 1) 他们给他提供了一分很好的工作.They _ = _ 2) 我们要价1000美圆卖给他那栋房子.We _ _ the house _1000 dollars. 3) 他主动提出去农村. He _ _ _ to the country.当堂达标检测 一、完成单词。1.Xiao Ming lives in a n_ place .He often walks to school.2.If you want to ask for the doctor , you may p_ the red button.3

5、. May I help you put these magazines on the s_?4. Lets go d_ to drink a cup of coffee.5. The little boy fell off his bike and i_ his left knee.6.The doctor said that his life was out of _(dangerous).7.The whole society should pay attention to the road traffic _(safe).8.I quickly put the _(burn) hand

6、 under cold _(run) water.9.The hill is _(cover) with many trees.10.At first we didnt know how to make Tom happy. Then Dick _ _ (想出) an idea. He _ (讲) a joke and it _him _(使他笑).二、完成句子1.她笑起来借以向我们隐藏她的紧张. She laughed _ _ her nervousness _ us.2.Tom 在去办公室的路上意外伤了左腿. Tom had his left leg _ _ _ on the way to

7、 his office.3.The football team lost the game . It really _ its fans _.(这个足球队输了,使它的球迷真的很失望.)4.Dont put the medicine on the table .Medicine _the children.A. must be near B. must hide fromC. cant be used for D. must be hidden from10.这名服务员在餐馆给我们提供了很好的服务。 The waiter _ _ good service in the restaurant.11.你有照顾老人的经验吗?Do you _ _ _ _ _ after old



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