江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Integrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Integrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Integrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省永丰初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Integrated skills导学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3 Integrated skills & study skills 课前参与 一自学内容:预习课本P37-39二自学要求1.背诵P37-39单词2.根据所给信息,努力完成听力内容。2.背诵Part B对话,试着编一段新的对话。三导学题翻译下列词组和句子:1.在本年度总决赛中 2.需要你的支持 3.举行 4.在篮球比赛的总决赛中 5.别忘记带你的朋友来 6.为我们队加油助威 7.在你的支持下 8.在校门口见面 9.在饭店前上车 10.车旅费 11. 每个人20元 12. 那听起来很好 13.它向30人或以上的学生团体免费 _ 课中参与1.final 是形容词,意思为“最后的,最终的”我

2、将尽力考好期末考试。I will _ _ _ to do well in the _ exam.final 是名词,意思为“决赛”刘翔取得了110米跨栏的决赛权。Liu Xiang reached the _ _ the 110m hurdles.finally 是final的副词形式,同义词有:at last, in the end最终我必须得告诉你事情的真相。_, I _ _tell you the truth.他最终准时完成了工作。 He _ his work on time_ _ .2.forget 忘记, 过去式为_. forget to do sth 忘记要做某事(未做)forge

3、t doing sth 忘记曾经做过某事(已做)明天别忘记带作业。Dont _ _ _ your homework tomorrow.我忘记曾经告诉过她这个消息。I _ _ her the news.3. take place 举行;发生(指非偶然性事件的“发生”);happen 发生奥运会每四年举行一次The Olympic Games _ _ _ four years.去年,我家乡发生了巨大变化.Great changes_ _in my hometown last year.昨天发生了一起事故。An accident _ yesterday.4.with ones support 在某人

4、的支持下 _ 没有某人的支持with ones help 在某人的帮助下 _ 没有某人的帮助with the help of _在他们的支持下,我们最后完成了这项工作。_ _ _,we _ the work _ _.在预习之后,你还有哪些疑惑?请你写下来_课题:8A Unit3 Integrated skills & study skills 一、用单词的适当形式填空1.Our school volleyball team went to the _(决赛) yesterday?2. Let me _(休息)for a while and look at the view.3. Thanks

5、for your _ (支持), Lucy .4. -Have you got any film _(票)? -No, I havent.5.Sometimes a word has different _ (意思) if you change the stress.6. The score at _(中场休息) was 2-2.7. We r_ the nearest railway station at 7:a.m.8. She is a _ girl and does everything _.(care) 9. He lost his way in the hills._(luck),

6、an old man helped him.10.He tasted the soup and found it quite _(taste). 二、选择题( )1. The ticket _ him ¥20. And flying to the USA_ him two days.A. cost,took B. spent,took C. took ,cost D. paid,spent ( )2.I think this book is_ than that one. A.great fun B. very funny C.more funnier D.much funnier( )3.I

7、t snows _in winter here. A.a lot B.very much C.a lot of D.lots of( )4._his mothers support,he couldnt finish the task so easily. A.Under B.With C.Without D.No( )5.When and where_the accident(事故)_?A. is, take place B.did, happen C. was, happened D. was, taking place( )6. Tom is a true friend, _ I did

8、nt like him at the _.A. but; beginning B. or; end C. and; end D. and; beginning( )7. Do you like travelling from one city to _? A. other cities B. the other C. others D. another( )8.No one told us _. We need your help.A .how to do it. B. what to do it. C. how should we do it D. what should we do ( )

9、9.The first thing to do is to find a room _.A. living in B. living C .to live in D. to live( )10.Try to make as _ mistakes (错误) as possible.A .many B. little C. few D .a few( )11.When the movie star _,the fans _.A.reached;cheers B.arrived;cheered C.arrives;cheers D.got;cheered( )12. The girl is only

10、 two years old. You cant leave her _.A. with herself B. by herself C. by yourself D. for herself三、用动词的适当形式填空1.-Who _(not be) here yesterday? -Liu Ming and Li Lei _(not be) here.2. Uncle Wang _ (fly) to Beijing yesterday, he _ (return) in five days.3.He keeps a diary _(remember) things.4. What a grea

11、t time we had _(chat) with each other yesterday!5. Linda _(bring) more presents here ,but Lucy didnt.6. Taking a taxi is faster than _(catch) a bus.7.Its better to watch TV at home than_(have) classes.8. Linda, _ (not stay) alone, will you?9.I_(plan) to go to see the final but didnt go in the end.10. Do you still remember _ (meet) the girl in red in Shanghai?11. The fish my mother cooks _ (taste) nic



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