安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Integrated skills &ampamp; pronunciation(1课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版

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安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Integrated skills &ampamp; pronunciation(1课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
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安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Integrated skills &ampamp; pronunciation(1课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
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《安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Integrated skills &ampamp; pronunciation(1课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册《7B Unit4 Amazing things》Integrated skills &ampamp; pronunciation(1课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册7B Unit4 Amazing thingsIntegrated skills & pronunciation(1课时)学案(无答案) 牛津版一、学习目标:1.帮助学生了解更多的动物知识。2.能从听力材料中获取相关信息。3.能用已掌握的信息使相关文章意思表达完整。4.学会对惊讶,诧异的话做出恰当反应。5.掌握-ed结尾的单词的三种发音。二、自学:1. 在课本上划出下列单词,词组,并给出中文,根据音标读一读。词汇:bone neck ant camel giraffe tortoise during second weight goldfish词组:up

2、to remember ones words after a meal learn more about happen to sb. be afraid ofas well as during our lives the weight of 句型:My friends found it interesting too. It is also interesting to know that each eye of a camel has three eyelids. Is there anything about animals in the book ?I know more about a

3、nimals.2. 学生先听听力材料,完成试着P70A2/P71A3D 的填空。3 .语言点导学:1) word n . 话,单词 eg . He didnt say a word about it .他对此只字未提。2) see v . 明白, 看见 see = understand = know3) up to 直到 live up to 活到, sleep up to 睡到,stay up to 待到 eg. A tortoise can live up to 150 years old . 一只乌龟能活到150岁。 eg. I slept up to 9:00 a.m. this mo

4、rning .So I was late .今天早晨我睡到9:00,所以我迟到了。4) as well as 和一样 eg. Bill speaks English as well as Henry .比尔说英语和亨里一样好。5) tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某物 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事6)learn more about =know more about 了解/学习更多有关7)second n. 秒, num. 第二 eg. How many seconds are there in a minute ? 一分钟有多少秒?8)

5、happen to sb. 某人发生了什么事eg.what happened to him ? 他发生了什么事?9) during ones life/lives 在某人的一生中 eg. During her life , she helped lots of people. 在她的一生中,她帮助了许多人。10) -ed 的读音,(1) 动词原形以清辅音结尾,-ed读作/t/, 如helped(2) 动词原形以浊辅音或元音结尾,-ed 读作/d/, 如 played, lived .(3) 动词原形以/t/或/d/结尾,-ed 读作/id/,如 needed , visited .三、教学流程

6、:1.带领学生听录音,完成P70A2填空,回答问题。( 教师指导)1) How many bones does a giraffe have in its long neck?2) How old can a tortoise live up to ?3) How many eyelids does each of a camels eyes have?4) Can ants smell?5) Can dogs smell things better than ants can ?2.从听力中获取的信息,完成P71A3的练习。3.学生模仿教师朗读单词P72.AB,强调单词结尾-ed的读音。4.

7、带领学生听P72ABC录音并跟读,理解单词意思。5.学生二人一组分角色朗读P72C部分对话,理解对话内容。四、随堂测验:1根据英文提示写出动物名称。1) _ It has only seven bones in its long neck.2) _ It can live up to 150 years old.3) _ Each of its eyes has three eyelids.4) _ It is very big and walks on tiptoe.5) _ It sleeps with its eyes open and can only remember things

8、for three second.2. 适当的介词填空。1) Fish sleep _ their eyes open.2) I cant so much food to the top of the mountain _ your help.3) Whales live _ the sea .4) Elephants are the biggest living animals _land .5) You ask me to give a speech in front of thousands _people? You must be crazy!6) Youd better go to

9、school _foot. Its good for your health.7) I learned a lot _life in England during this trip.8) He wanted to travel _ the world in the future.3. 选用所给词组填空。 up to as well as are afraid of learn more about happened to1) Mr Wu was very surprised to see Simon all wet. What _you? he asked.2) My two little children _ big dogs.3) The students want to _ animals in Mr Wus class .4) Several people in this small village lived _120 years old.5) Daniel can speak English _ Millie can.五、学后记:1本课学完后,.你学到什么内容?请回忆:_2.还有哪些不懂?请写在下面:_六、拓延伸展:同步时报



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