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1、This is the unofficial transcript of the CNBC Town Hall event Warren Buffett and Bill Gates: Keeping America Great, taped Thursday, November 12, 2009 at Columbia University in New York City.It was prepared for CNBC by Realtime Subscription Services.ANNOUNCER: The embodiment of the American dream, Wa

2、rren Buffett and Bill Gates, self-made billionaires whose values run as deep as their wealth. One redefined an industry, the other the modern investor. But both put their stock in America, and by investing in business and humanity, reaped the rewards of this great countrys capitalist tradition. Toda

3、y that tradition is under siege, our way of life questioned. And with America at an inflection point, a future generation looks for guidance from the worlds two greatest capitalists. Now, they are going back to school, not to learn, but to teach. Showing the next generation of business leaders that

4、wealth is not about the money you amass, but the number of lives you enrich. Tonight in a CNBC town hall event, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates share their secrets to keeping America great.BECKY QUICK: A special CNBC town hall. I am Becky Quick at Columbia Business School at Columbia University. Lets

5、hear it, guys. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE We are in the heart of New York City. This is the worlds center of capitalism and this is the place where dreams really do come true. In fact, right now, look at all these people here today. We could be surrounded - CHEERS AND APPLAUSE - We could be surrounded by t

6、he next Warren Buffett or Bill Gates. How about you? You ready to go?STUDENT: We are so excited to all be here today. You wouldnt believe how much tickets are being sold for out front.BECKY: I know youre not telling the truth. You had to get in with your I.D., right?STUDENT: Yes, this is true.BECKY:

7、 Were ready to go tonight. Tonight it is all about Keeping America Great. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE No people have done that better than Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. Folks, lets please welcome Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE I see Warren is trying to work the home crowd here with Colu

8、mbia. CHEERS AND APPLAUSE Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. This has been, as you know, an extraordinary year. This is a year where the rules have been completely rewritten, where we have thrown out the rule books, and we have seen icons collapse. This is also a time when a lot of

9、 people have probably wondered about our way of life. People in this very room. Thats going to be our focus in just a minute. Gentlemen, before we get to that, the two of you may seem like an odd pair. For anybody who doesnt know you two well -BUFFETT: Youll think more odd when we get through. LAUGH

10、TERBECKY: What brings you two together tonight? Why you two and why here with these business students here at Columbia?WARREN BUFFETT: Well, we enjoy working together. Actually, when I left Columbia, they told me I would probably have to come back and repeat a few classes. So here I am.BECKY: Bill,

11、what about you? You are ready to go with the students?BILL GATES: Yeah, it will be a lot of fun. Warren and I love getting the questions and talking about our optimism. APPLAUSEBECKY: The reason you two are here tonight is this is a pivotal moment in history. People have questions about the economy,

12、 about our entire system of capitalism. And, gentlemen, let me ask each of you, over the course of the last year, was there ever a time that you had doubts about capitalism and about our way of life?BUFFETT: No, there was not a time. If there had been, last September when we invested a lot of money,

13、 that was when the country was looking into the abyss. The money was flowing out of money market funds. The commercial paper market died and everything. We put $8 billion to work in just a matter of a few days then. So I never lost confidence in the system. This country works, you know. Weve got 200

14、 years of proof. And its going to continue to work. APPLAUSEBECKY: Bill, what do you think, Bill?GATES: Well, we have a complex financial system which we have proven that we can make mistakes. But more fundamental than that is the innovation, the fact that you can create new companies, that people a

15、re willing to take risk and invest, that theres great science going on. This country still has the best universities, the best science, and were going to tune our system of capitalism, you know. The idea that you have a lot of short-term loans covering long-term needs, the amount of leverage that wa

16、s there, there are definitely some lessons. But the fundamentals of the system, a marketplace-driven system where we invest in education and a great infrastructure for the long-term, thats continued. And, you know, Ill bet there are some inventions that took place in that fall in the darkest hour: People were working on new drugs, new chips, new robots and


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