北京市八年级英语上册 Unit 6-7 知识总结与练习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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《北京市八年级英语上册 Unit 6-7 知识总结与练习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市八年级英语上册 Unit 6-7 知识总结与练习(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6-7 知识总结与练习课题Review unit 6-unit 7 教学目标1. 掌握unit6-7 单词,短语和句子。2. 掌握一般将来时的用法。重点、难点一般将来时考点及考试要求1.灵活运用一般将来时。2.提高阅读理解和写作能力。教学内容Key points 错题回顾1.Im very tired and I can h_ go on. 2.Bill Gates often helps the p _ in Africa. 3.The young man s_ to be worried about his mother.Unit6 Key phrases 1.长大_ 2. 想要

2、成为_3.练习做某事_ 4.继续做某事_5.确信,多有把握_6.确保,查明_7.搬到_ 8.上表演课_9.把送到_ 10另外一种语言_11.得到许多锻炼_ 12.学弹钢琴_13.能够_ 14.许诺,发誓_15.答应某人去做某事_ 16.下决心_17.在一年的开始_ 18.与有关_19.开始一种爱好_ 20.明年_21,告诉某人关于某事_ 22.各种不同的决定_23.制定一周的计划_ 24.写下,记下_25因为这个原因_ 26,太而不能_27.是你自己成为一个更好的人_28.自我提高_29.取得更好的成绩_Key points 1. Im going to move to Shanghai. 我

3、打算搬到上海去。【解析】 move v 移动,搬动 【记】movie(电影) i move move to + 地点 搬到某地Im going to _(搬) to Beijing next month.( ) The family moved _ there , and had a happy life. A. in B. to C. / D. with2.My parents want me to be a doctor, but Im not sure about that. 我父母想让我当医生, 可是我没有把握。【解析1】doctor dkt(r) n医生 see the doctor

4、 看医生 at the doctors 在诊所 【陕西西安】 John wants to be a _ , so he often helps sick people in the hospital. A. reporter B. doctor C. scientist D. cook【解析2】sure adj. 确信的be sure about 确信 make sure 确保(1) be sure +about / of +名词、代词或动名词 对有把握 She is sure of success. 她确信会成功。(2) be sure to do sth 务必;确信 Im sure to

5、go with you. 我确信和你一起去(3) be sure +that 从句 We are sure that you can make great progress this term.(4) make sure + that 从句 Make sure that you can find out the truth soon.确保你能很找出真相。make sure to do sth 务必干 make sure of sb./ sth 弄清楚某人/事( ) Please check your paper to _ there are no mistakes A. think of B.

6、 try out C. find out D. make sure( ) You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure _ a pen and some paper with you. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring3.Im going to keep on writing stories. 我打算继续写作。 【解析】be going to + 动词原形 表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情,其中的be 动词要根据句子主语来确定。 一般将来时常与表示将来的时间的状语如to

7、morrow; next week等连用。Im going _(give) her a present when she _(come).【解析】 keep on 继续 Keep on doing sth继续做某事(指经过一段时间的间隙后“继续做同一件事”)keep sb. doing sth 使某人处于某种状态keep sb/ sth from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 【拓展】 work on 从事 hold on 等一下(电话用语) get on 相处( ) Although its late, he still keeps on _ his homework. A. does

8、 B. doing C. do D. did 4.Im going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspaper. 我打算写文章并将文章投给杂志和报纸。【解析1】article rtkl n文章,论文 【解析2】send send v邮寄,发送 sent sent send sb. Sth = send sth to sb. 送某人某物【拓展】 give (pass/ show/ sell) sb. sth = give ( pass/ show / sell ) sth to sb. 【短语】 send for 派人去请

9、 send up 发射; send off 寄出; 为送行 send out 派遣;发出( ) Please send _ best wishes to Mary. A. I B. me C. my D. mine( ) On June16,2020, China _ its Shenzhou IX spaceship. A. set out B. set off C. sent up D. sent out5. What do you want to be when you grow up? 长大后你想做什么?【解析1】when “当时” , when 引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时,

10、主句用一般将来时She is going to be an astronaut when she grows up.Jim is a computer fan and he wants to be a computer engineer when he _(长大)。【解析2】grow grew grown v (1) 生长,成长 (2) 种植 ( ) When he _ , he _ to be a policeman.A. grow up ; want B. grows up ; want C. grows up ; wants D. grow up ; wants( ) The farme

11、r likes _ vegetables in his garden, and they all _ well. A. growing; grow up B. to grow ; grow up C. growing; grow D. to grow ; grows 6. Hes going to take acting lessons 他打算去上表演课【词形变换】act v 表演 actor n 男演员 actress n 女演员【名言】Think carefully before you act . 三思而后行【短语】an actor 一个男演员 act as 充当,起作用 take ac

12、ting lessons 上表演课【注】 take singing lessons 上声乐课 take lessons = have lessons 上课 give sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训 Li Long loves art and wants to be an_ (act) in the future Are they going to take _(act) lessons? No, they arent . If you are going to be an actor, you have to _.A. take acting lessons B. take act lessons C. take acting lesson D. take act lesson7. Well, dont worry. 嗯,不要担心。【解析】worry v 担心 worried adj. 焦急



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