吉林省磐石市2020届九年级英语上学期期末教学检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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《吉林省磐石市2020届九年级英语上学期期末教学检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《吉林省磐石市2020届九年级英语上学期期末教学检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、吉林省磐石市三棚中学2020届九年级英语上学期期末教学检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版一听力部分一.情景反应,根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。(5)( )1. A. Yes, why? B. See you later C. Ill be free tomorrow( )2. A. Youre welcome B. Its a pleasure C. It doesnt matter( )3. A. In the library B. Three days ago C. For three days( )4. A. Quite well B. Im so happy C. Theyre s

2、o kind( )5. A. Not at all B. I will. Thank you C. The same to you 二.根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的答案。(5)( )6. A. knife B. fork C. chopsticks( )7. A. This afternoon B. Tomorrow morning C. The day after tomorrow( )8. A. In the library B. On a bus C. At the street( )9. She has a headache B. She has a rest C. She has

3、a bad cold( )10.Practicing the piano B. Playing a CD C. Singing a song三.图片理解,根据对话内容,选择相应的图片,有一幅图片是多余的。(5)二基础知识一词汇分类:请找出不同类的一项.(5)1. ( ) A. tiring B. educational C. thrilling D. trek2. ( ) A. hunger B. veterinarian C. pleasure D. disable3. ( ) A. chef B. slipper C. heel D. ancient 4. ( ) A. fled B. g

4、otten C. broke D. gone5. ( ) A. farmer B. go off C. break down D. stay up 二句意填词(5) 1. I was late for school yesterday because I o yesterday morning . 2. A to the weather report, it will be rainy tomorrow .3. I was waiting for the bus but it didnt come, then I r it was Sunday.4. Mum added some salt b

5、ut it wasnt s enough.5. Jim t after his father, they are both clever and a bit quiet.三单项选择(15)( ) 1. It about two hours to get to Wuhan by air. A spends B .costs C .takes D .uses ( ) 2. If I you, Id take an umbrella with me. A. am B. be C. was D. were( ) 3 .I still didnt know what while I was away f

6、rom home .A. happened B . was happened C. has happened D .had happened ( ) 4. My sister a good man last year.A. married with B .married to C .got married to D. was married( ) 5. Lucy is nice girl everyone likes her. A .a such . that B. such a .that C. so ,that D. such ,that( ) 6. When I got to schoo

7、l , the class for 5 minute . A .had been on B. had begun C. had started D. has been on ( ) 7. I prefer in the room in the sun. Its too hot.A. to stand ,to sit B. standing ,to sitting C. to stand, sitting D. standing, to sit ( ) 8. Do you know ? Sorry , I dont know it . A. When does the train leave B

8、. When the train leave C. When the train leaves D, the train when leave ( ) 9. Do you know where theres a good place ?A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D .swim( ) 10. The children will have fun the clowns acting there .A. watch B. watches C. watch D. watching( ) 11. I watched many interesting pictures

9、when I walk the museum.A. past B. pass C .through D. across ( ) 12. Who can guess to finish the work ? A. how long does it take B. how long it took C. how much did it take D. how many it took( ) 13. Please the chair away and a desk here .A. take , take B. bring, bring C. take , bring D . bring, take

10、 ( ) 14. All the students in our class exercise every day. So we are healthy. A, a kind of B. little C. a few D. kind of ( ) 15. Mom , I if I can get some more pocket money this month ? OK. money, But can you tell me what you will use it for ? A. want B. like C. wonder D think 四交际运用 1. 根据对话语选择恰当句子补全

11、对话(5)A. Do you know where you have left it ? B. You might have left it in the library .C. What happened? D. They are my favorite singersE. Where did you go F. What were you doingA: Han Mei ,how are you today ? B: Its a terrible day for me .A: B: I cant find my ticket for tomorrows concert.Twins will

12、 come to the concert. And I have expected them for a long time. A B: No I dont know where I put it .A : Er, B: I want to the playground ,but at that moment, I had it. Then I went to the library. A: Oh ,I know B: Yeah, I remember it . I left it on the desk in the library.2. 根据对话内容填空,每空一词。(5)A. Hi, h

13、are you? B. Hi, Im fine, I am glad to see you. Ive had a bad day. A. Why? What h ?B. Well, this morning I was l for the school bus, so I had to w to school.A. Thats a long way. B. Yeah, and then it s raining and Id f my umbrella.A. Oh, no! Did you get wet?B. Yes, I was wet. And my class wasnt at school . They had g to the museum. A. You m a museum trip. Thats too bad. B. Then in the afternoon I went to the library to s for the math test. And guess what?A. What?B. Id l my math book at home.A. Youre right. You had a bad day. 3. 根据对话内容,用恰当的词汇,短语或句子补


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