四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to CarlaSection B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板

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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to CarlaSection B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第1页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to CarlaSection B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第2页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to CarlaSection B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第3页
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《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to CarlaSection B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to CarlaSection B (1a-1d)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section B 【学习目标】1 掌握本节课61页的生词的词意、拼写及正确发音。 2 掌握情态动词表推测时的用法,must,might,could,cant,may【自主学习】预习课本第61页的单词.观察图片,结合所给词语,用一句话描述图片。【学习重难点】重点:掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。 情态动词表猜测 难点:进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力 【自学检测】 根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。)1. You should wear a _(西服)when you attend a con

2、cert.2. My father bought me a _ (照相机)as a birthday gift last year.3. We can see lots of stars in the s_ at night.4. The plane finally l_ on the airport safely after ten minutes.5. He got up so early that he c_ the early bus this morning.【定向导学互动展示】 Task1:独立阅读能力学习1.个人试读新单词, 掌握词汇。 2.仔细观察课本1a图片回答问题。 :Wh

3、at can you see in the picture one? I can see _ :What are they doing in the picture two? They _ :What do you think of the man in picture there? I think he is _Task2:听读: :听第一遍录音,跟着录音节奏,体会一下这段对话的语音语调和情境氛围,完成1b: :听第二遍录音,根据录音材料完成1c。 :听第三遍录音,模仿录音中说话人的语音语调跟读并自主核对答案。 听力巩固: A: Hes wearing _ B: He _ work. A:

4、Theres something _ B: It could be a helicopter. A: Whats that? B: Its woman with _ A: She could be form _. B: Look at all those other people. Theyre actors. A: They must be _Task3:两人小对子:1.两人探讨1b和1c的答案并理解其中的重点词汇和句子并两人抽背。2. 大声朗读1d中的对话,与同伴根据听力内容进行对话练习。Task4:五人互助组:1.小组内统一听力答案,并针对听力内容简要归纳对话谈论的内容。2.组长根据自己

5、的展示方案分配任务,带领组员在组内进行预展,准备在本组展示区进行展示。Task5:课堂小结并识记重点词汇。catch (v.)捕获;赶上(车船等) (1)作动词,意为“捕捉;捉住;接住”。 例如:The cat catches mice.猫捉老鼠。 The police caught the prisoner. 警察抓住了那个囚犯。 She threw the ball and I caught it. 她扔出了球,我接住了它。 (2)作动词,意为“及时赶上(车船等)”。 例如:The police had to drive very quickly in order to catch the

6、 train.警察只好车把开得很快,以便赶上火车。 (3)作动词,意为“受感染;染患”。 例如:Youll catch (a) cold if you dont put a sweater on. 你不穿上运动衫会感冒的。 练一练 ( )Why do you get up so early every day? To _ the school bus, or Ill be late for school. A. catch B. drive C. race D. chase 【当堂检测反馈】 根据汉语提示填空完成句子,每空一词 (关上书,独立完成。做完后对子间相互批阅。)1. 明明可能正在踢球

7、。 Mingming _ _football.2.我们看见天空中有一些奇怪的东西。We see _ _ in the sky.3.他喜欢跑步锻炼。He likes _ _ _.4.没时间了,我们跑去赶公交车吧。Time is up, lets _ _ _ the bus.一、基础题: 用所给词的正确形式填空1. 1.We can see a man _( run ) on the playground.2. Can you see _ (something) over there?3.He might be running _ a bus.4.I think it _ (can) be a h

8、elicopter.5.-Is he _ (wear) a suit? -Yes, he is.二、发展题 :单项选择。 ( ) 1.Who is that? It _ be Cindy. Only she is in red. A. must B. will C. might D .can ( )2. Look! Whats the driver doing by the road? There is a tyre(轮胎)on the roadside. He _ his car. A must be mending B. may mending C. must mend D .could

9、be mending( )3.I saw the woman _ _ a suit today. A. put on B. putting on C. wearing D. to wear ( )4.-Wheres Jeff? Im not sure. He _ be playing with his brother. A. might B. could C. can D .must( )4.-What is the man _ glasses doing? He must _ a letter. A. has; writing B. with; be writing C. have; wri

10、te D. with; writing三、拓展题:情景交际 A: Hey, Jenny! Look at the girl standing at the park gate. 1 A. Whose photo is this?B. Who is it?C. Where did she go?D. When did they leave?E. Why do you think so?F. It cant be her.G. Then let s visit her when shes back.B: I must be Alice.A: No. 2 B: 3 A: Because she has gone to China with her parents for vacation.B: 4 A: They might have left on July 8.B: When will she come back?A: She could be back the day after tomorrow. But I m not sureB: 5 A: OK. Then we can see her photos taken in China.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得: 今日不足:


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