北京市延庆县十一学校七年级英语下册 Lesson 43-44练习(无答案) 北师大版

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北京市延庆县十一学校七年级英语下册 Lesson 43-44练习(无答案) 北师大版_第1页
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北京市延庆县十一学校七年级英语下册 Lesson 43-44练习(无答案) 北师大版_第2页
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1、Lesson 43-44 一、根据句意从方框中选择适当的词填空,注意用其正确的形式。play, with, have, but, fish, walk, begin, on, stay 1. I went shopping _ my mother yesterday. We bought lots of things. 2. They _ in the river, but they didnt catch anything. 3. When my father was young, he often _ football. He loves sports. 4. Han Mei spoke

2、English with the tourists, _ they didnt understand her. 5. They _ in the mountains and enjoyed themselves very much. 6. At the _ of June, they started their trip. 7. Nick didnt _ overnight in the club, and he _ a good time. 8. last year, I went _ vacation to Xinjiang by train. 二、根据所给的情景补全对话。A: Did y

3、ou go to the club last night? B: _1. At eleven oclock.2. Yes, I did. 3. We danced with some girls.4. No, we didnt. 5. No, I went with Nick. A: Did you go on your own? B: _A: What did you do there? B: _A: Did you stay there overnight? B: _A: When did you come back home? B: _三、阅读理解。Yesterday, Alice an

4、d Mike went to the beach. The weather was fine, and the sky was blue. They felt very happy.In the morning, they fished in the sea, but they didnt catch anything. Then they swam near the beach. There were many people in the sea. Alice and Mike played games with them. But in the afternoon, they met a

5、beggar. He was a strong and healthy man. Alice and Mike didnt want to give him anything. But the beggar still said, “Could you help me? Will you please give me some money?” Alice and Mike felt bad and ran away.1. What was the weather like yesterday? _2. What did they do in the morning? _3. What happ

6、ened in the afternoon? _4. Do you think they had a good time yesterday? Why ? _一、根据所给的情景补全对话。A.A: When did you go on vacation? B: _1. We went to the USA.2. We visited New York and Miami Beach.3. It was fantastic!4. Last summer.5. I went with my parents.A: Who did you go with? B: _A: Where did you go

7、? B: _A: What places did you visit? B: _A: How was it? B: _BA: _1. Where did you go?2. Did you go on vacation?3. Did you have a good time?4. Which city did you visit?5. What did you see there?B: Yes, I did. A: _B: I went to France.A: _ B: Paris.A: _B: The Eiffel Tower.A: _B: Yes, it was really amazi

8、ng!二、根据中文意思和英文提示,写出正确的英语句子。1、他们在法国呆了多久? ( how long, stay, France ) _2、小时候,我和父母去过Italy。( go, parents, when, child ) _3、去年暑假,他和朋友去了Canada,还带回些纪念品。(friends, souvenirs ) _4、他们昨天晚上玩得很高兴。( have a good time, yesterday evening )_5、我叔叔上星期和我一起参观了那个工厂。( uncle, the factory, last week )_6、小明用三天时间看完了这本书。( take, three days, finish reading )_



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