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1、1 核心词汇 Unit One 1 You cannot be too careful when you drive a car 2 He is watching TV He is supposed to be cleaning his room 3 The newspaper did not mention the extent of the damage caused by the fire 4 Had he worked harder he must have got through the exams 5 I had just started back for the house to

2、 change my clothes when I heard voices 6 Your story about the frog turning into a prince is sheer nonsense 7 I could see that my wife was intent on having that fur coat whether I approved of it or not 8 One of his eyes was injured in an accident but after a delicate operation he quickly recovered hi

3、s sight 9 The political future of the president is now hanging by a thread 10 Most nurses are women but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a minority 11 Recently a number of cases are reported of young children duplicating a violent act preciously seen on television 12 The jo

4、ys of travel having long neglected the disabled are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means 13 Fewer and fewer of today s workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field let alone the same company 14 When he finally emerged from the cave after thirty days John was startling pa

5、le 15 She had a tense expression on her face as though she were expecting trouble 16 Residents were cutting their lawns washing their cars and otherwise idling away a pleasant sunny day 17 In India more than one hundred languages are spoken of which only fourteen are recognized as official 18 Louis

6、Herman at the university of Hawaii has devised a series of new experiments in which some animals have learned to understand sentences 19 We can accept your order on condition that payments is made in advance Unit Two 1 Thanks to the enormous flow of food from the entire globe these countries have fo

7、r many years not felt any population pressure 2 2 Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware regardless of price 3 Mr Jones holds strong views against video games and advocates the closing of all recreation facilities for such games 4 We booked rooms at th

8、e hotel lest we should find no vacancies on our arrival 5 Modern forms of transportation and communication have done much to break through the isolation of life in Alaska 6 We know through painful experience that freedom is never given by the oppressor it must be demanded by the oppressed 7 Do not l

9、et the child play with scissors in case he cuts himself 8 As well as from the danger from enemy action people had to cope with a severe shortage of food clothing fuel and almost everything 9 Whenever a big company takes over a small one the product almost always gets worse 10 Areas where students ha

10、ve particular difficulty have been treated with particular care 11 I waited for him half an hour but he never turned up 12 I was about to strike a match when I remember Tom s warning 13 She called off her trip to New York because she was ill 14 But for the storm the ship would have reached its desti

11、nation on time 15 The prospects of finding gold in California attracted a lot of people to settle down there 16 As the old empires were broken up and new states were formed new official tongues began to spring up at an increasing rate 17 Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital e

12、ven though they have no schedules to keep Unit Three 1 His trousers split when he tried to jump over the fence 2 Computer technology will bring about a revolution in business administration 3 When I go out in the evening I use the bike rather than the car if I can 4 It is very considerate of you not

13、 to talk aloud while the baby is asleep 5 She is fainted Throw some water on her face and she will come around 3 6 A good many proposals were raised by the delegates as was to be expected 7 Arriving home the boy told his parents about all the incidents which occurred in his dormitory 8 The opening b

14、etween the rocks was very narrow but the boys managed to squeeze through 9 Much as I admired David as a poet I do not like him as a man 10 The continuous rain set back the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks 11 He said that the driver must have had an accident otherwise he would have arrived b

15、y then 12 It is high time that such practices were ended 13 Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the fares charged on the public transport were more reasonable 14 The doctor had almost lost hope at one point but the patient finally pulled through 15 Our manager is calling on an import

16、ant customer now and he will be back this afternoon 16 John does not believe in conventional medicine he has some remedies of his own 17 Owing to fierce competition among the airlines travel expenses have been reduced considerably 18 His wife is constantly finding fault with him which makes him very angry 19 Anna was reading a piece of science fiction completely lost to the outside world 20 It is believed that some people do not like pop songs only because they can not tolerate so much noises 21



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