选修7 unit3 b7u3 reading 2-A New Dimension of Life

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《选修7 unit3 b7u3 reading 2-A New Dimension of Life》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修7 unit3 b7u3 reading 2-A New Dimension of Life(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Anewdimensionoflife Themanisonasnorkellingtripunderthesea Whatisthemandoing Whenyougosnorkelling colourful splendid vast coral eel grey long smooth seahorse seaflower anemone anemonefish 海葵鱼 小丑鱼 SeaStar Angelfish aJellyfish clam sea slug海蛞蝓 parrotfish turtle shark dolphin Let senjoythewriter sexperi

2、encedownintothedepthsofthesea ANewDimensionofLife Youwilldiscover Scanning Glancequicklythroughthediaryandtrytonumbertheparagraphtopicsinthecorrectorder 2 1 3 4 5 6 Matchthemainideaofeachpart Part1 para1 Part2 para2 5 Part3 para6 thefinalthoughtaboutthesnorkelling B Whathesawduringthesnorkelling C r

3、eflectingonthedayofsnorkelling Whatisthestyle 体裁 ofthepassage Atraveljournal 1 Whenandwheredidhegosnorkelling 2 Whatdidhethinkoftheday Reading PartI Para1 Hewentsnorkellingonthereefoffshorethismorning Adayofpuremagic Seeingtheextraordinarybeauty Ithinkeverycellinmybodywokeup doing做状语 Whichsentenceis

4、better WhenIsawtheextraordinarybeauty Ithinkeverycellinmybodywokeup Part2 Para2 5 Whatdidthewritersee yellowandgreen bird like yellow spottedred largewise looking giant grey yellow spottedred largewise looking bird like Seeingthereefsharks hefelt todeath parrotfishwithahardbird likemouth Yellowandgr

5、een 黄绿相间的鹦嘴鱼 sea slug 带黄斑点的红色海蛞蝓 Yellow spotted turtle Alargewise looking 一只长相聪慧的大乌龟 astrongsharpteetheel带有利齿的鳗鱼 clam reefshark 珊瑚鲨 weseethe ofthesea danger Whatwasthefinalthoughtaboutthesnorkelling Part3 Whatawonderful limitlessworlditwasdownthere AndwhatatinyspotIwasinthisenormousworld Itwasawonde

6、rful limitlessworlddownthere AndIwasatinyspotinthisenormousworld 本课重点 形容词与合成形容词 1 be becomeawareof对 知道 明白 意识到ThefirstthingIbecameawareofwasallthevividcolorssurroundingme 我意识到的第一件事情就是我周围各种各样鲜艳的颜色 Hesaidthatthegovernmentwasawareoftheproblem 他说政府很清楚这个问题 be becomeaware后可加that或wh 从句 I mwellawarethatthisisariskyinvestment 我很清楚这项投资要冒风险 1 Hesaidthegovernment theproblem 2 I heistheoneIshouldturnto 他说政府意识到这个问题了 我很清楚他就是我要求助的人 wasawareof amwellawarethat 2 narrowadj狭窄的 有限的 狭隘的Theroadwadtoonarrowforcarstopass Hehasanarrowmind inanarrowsenseAnarrowescape 从狭义来说 在狭义上 九死一生


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