酒店英语实务教程 第3课:Complaint处理投诉

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《酒店英语实务教程 第3课:Complaint处理投诉》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《酒店英语实务教程 第3课:Complaint处理投诉(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、酒店英语实务教程 第3课:Complaint处理投诉 Unit 4 Complaint 处理投诉 经典对话 C=Front Office Clerk 前台服务员 G=Guest 顾客 C:Good evening. Front Office . Can I help you? 晚上好,这里是前台。有什么能够为您效劳? G:This is Mrs. Stevenson, Room 1503. Ive just checked in and Im not happy with my room. 我是 1503 房的史蒂文森太太,刚入住的,我对房间不满意。 C:May I know what is

2、wrong? 请问有什么问题吗? G:The room is smelly and there is someones hair on my bed! I didnt expect such thinhs would happen in your hotel. 房间有股难闻的气味,我的床上还有别人的头发!我没料到你们酒店会发生这样的事情。 C:Im sorry to hear that. Mrs. Stevenson. Ill send a housemaid to your room at once. She will bring air fresher and make up the be

3、d again for you. We do apologize for the inconvenience. 很抱歉有这种事情,史蒂文森太太。我马上派一个服务员拿空气清新剂来,并且为您重新整床。 我们为给您带来不便道歉。 G:Thats fine. Thank you. 好吧,谢谢。 C:Youre welcome, Mrs. Stevenson. My name is Simon, and if there is anything else I can do for you, please dont hesitate to call me . 不客气,史蒂文森太太。我叫西蒙,如有什么我能效

4、劳的,请即使给我电话。 常用句型百宝箱 1. 顾客投诉问题 1) There is no hot water/water boiler. 没有热水/煮水器。 2) The room is in a smell/too noisy. 房间一团糟/太吵了。 3) The window curtain is full of dust. 窗帘积满了灰尘。 4) The pillow cases are stained. 枕头套上有污渍。 5) The bathtub/water closet is dirty. 浴缸/抽水马桶是脏的。 6) The water closet is clogged an

5、t when I flushed it , it overflowed. 抽水马桶堵住了。我一冲水,水就冒出来。 7) There are no towels/toiletry items/toilet paper in the bathroom. 卫生间没有浴巾/洗浴用品/厕纸。 8) My necklace /watch/wallet is missing. 我的项链/手表/钱包不见了。 9) Get me your manager! 把你们经理叫来。 2. 表示歉意和注重 1) Im terribly sorry to hear that. 听到这样的事情,我真的非常遗憾! 2) Ill

6、 attend to /take care of this right away. 我马上来处理这件事前。 3) Ill look into this matter at once. 我马上去查清这件事情。 4) Ill send a chambermaid immediately. 我马上派一个房间服务员过去。 5) We might overlooked some points. 我们可能忽略一些细小的地方。 6) We do apologize for the inconvenience. 我们为给您带来不便深表歉意。 7) There could have been some mist

7、ake. I do apologize. 可能是出了什么差错,实在对不起。 3. 解释原因 1) The previous guest checked out late and you demand immediate access to your room. So the chambermaid didnt have time to make up the room. 上一位客人很迟才退房,而您要求马上入住,所以服务员没时间来整理。 2) You put the “DND” sign on the knob, so the chambermaid didnt make up the room

8、. 您把“请勿打扰”的牌子放在把手上了,所以服务员没来整理房间。 4. 提供解决方案 1) Our manager is not in town. Shall I get our assistant manager for you? 我们的经理不在本地。我帮您叫助理经理来好吗? 2) If you get your luggage ready , we would move you to another room. 如果您把行李整理好,我们安排您到别的房间去。 3) I will send a porter to help you with the luggage. 我派个行李员来帮您搬行李。

9、 4) To express our regret for all the trouble, we offer you a 10% discount/complimentary flowers. 我们给您带来这么多麻烦,为了表示歉意,特为您提供 9 折/免费花篮。 5) Please allow me to send a chambermaid to your room to help you look for it again. 请允许我派一位服务员来帮您再仔细找找。 6) Shall I call the police for you? 我帮您报警好吗? 7) I will speak to our manager about it. 我会向我们经理报告这件事。 8) This is really the least we can do for you. 我们能为您做的实在太有限了。


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