北京市延庆县靳家堡中学八年级英语上册《Unit 5 Lesson18》学案(无答案) 北师大版

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1、初二学案 Unit 5 Lesson18 Youre not generous at all !第一课时 (新授课)学习目标:1、 通过学习形容词,同学们能够用英语进行自我评价2、 通过学习形容词,同学们能够用英语评价他人一、复习导入给出下列句子的英文形式1、 Mike太小了,不能骑自行车。_2、 我不够高,不能拿到苹果。_3、 我跑得足够快,能够追上你。(catch up with )_4、 天太黑了,以至于找不到路。(find the way )_5、 当我们正在上英语课的时候,门开了。(have an English class)_6、 当我上公共汽车的时候,我看到了一位老人。_二、Ne

2、w lesson (新授课)1、Finish exe. 2 What kind of people do you think they are ? _1) Look at the pictures of 2.1 and try to ask and answer like the examples (例子) A: What do you think of the person in photo number 1 ? B: I think she looks quite friendly .Friendly, lonely , honest , self-centered , lazy , se

3、rious , absent-minded , moody , generous , humorous (1) A: What do you think of the person in photo number 2 ? B: I think _ . (2) A: What do you think of the person in photo number 3 ? B: I think _ .(3) A: What do you think of the person in photo number 4 ? B: _ .(4) A: _ in photo number 5 ? B: I th

4、ink _ .(5) A: _ in photo number 6? 姓名:_ 使用时间:_ 家长签字:_B: I think _ .2) Listen to the recording and try to check the answer 3、 Do some exercises ( 用班中真实姓名回答问题 )1) A: What kind of person is _ ? B: _2) A: What kind of person is _ ?B: _ 3)A: What kind of person is _ ? B: _【总结】 如何提问某人的性格:_ 如何描述某人的性格:_ 如何描

5、述自己的性格:_三、Exercises根据句意选择方框中恰当的词语填空,注意用其正确的形式。generous lonely lazy absent-minded impatientfriendly hardworking helpful self-centered honest1. Bill is _ and he is always easy to meet new people. 2. If you often give presents to others. We say you are _.3. You work hard. We say you are _.4. You put of

6、f what you should do today until tomorrow. We say you are _.5. We say you are _ because you never tell lies. 6. Old Smith has no children, but he never feels _. 7. You will help your friends when they are in troubles. You are _.8. Mrs. Green cant be a good teacher because she is _. 9. Tom is _. When we get together, he talks a lot about himself.10. My girl friend often forget our appointments. She is too _. 根据所给中文意思和部分英语单词,写出正确的英语句子。1. 我们的新老师很健谈。( teacher rather talkative )_2. Alice是个什么样的人?( what kind person )_3. 你认为照片中的女孩怎么样?( what think of girl photo )_


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