北京市大兴区魏善庄中学2020届九年级英语上学期9月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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《北京市大兴区魏善庄中学2020届九年级英语上学期9月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市大兴区魏善庄中学2020届九年级英语上学期9月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、北京市大兴区魏善庄中学2020届九年级英语上学期9月月考试题一 单项选择(每小题1分,共计18分)( )1. My pen doesnt work well. Could I borrow _, John?A. you B. her C. yours D. hers( )2. Betty usually gets up _six every morning. A. in B. on C. to D. at( )3. Hurry up, _well be late for school.A. so B. and C. but D. or( )4. Susan, how are you feeli

2、ng now?I feel much _after taking a short rest.A. betterB. well C. best D. the best( )5. Kitty has three cousins. _ of them like playing football.A. OtherB. All C. BothD. Either( )6. Must I bring my ID card with me next time?No, you _ . I have copied and stored it in my computer.A. cantB. mustntC. ne

3、edntD. shouldnt( ) 7. _do you go to the gym?Twice a month.A. How manyB. How muchC. How oftenD. How far( ) 8. Steven _ a film tomorrow.A. will seeB. sawC. seeD. has seen( ) 9. The Greens _ in China for a few years. A. stays B. has staying C. have stayed D. will stay( ) 10. I _ my homework when the li

4、ghts in my room went out last night.A. didB. was doingC. will doD. have done( ) 11. Would you like _for a walk with me after school?Sure, Id love to.A. goB. goneC. goingD. to go ( ) 12. There _ three pears on the plate. A. is B. are C. have D. has( ) 13. Its easy for me _ the question. A. answer B.

5、answering C. answered D. to answer( ) 14. _ Saturday _ Sunday is Ok. Ill be free then. A. Either ; or B. Both; and C. Neither; nor D. So; that( ) 15. There _ a football match this evening. A. will have B. will be C. is going to have D. are going to be( ) 16. Well go for a picnic if it _ this weekend

6、. A. will rain B. doesnt rain C. rains D. wont rain( ) 17. He has two pets. One is a dog, _ is a cat. A. the other B. other C. others D. another( ) 18. Tom was ill yesterday, _ he didnt go to school. A. or B. so C. but D. and二、完形填空 (共12分,每小题1分)When I was in senior high school, I made up my mind to i

7、mprove my English. The second year was the hardest year, _19_ it was also the most successful year for me to learn English. At the beginning, my teacher advised me to take some English _20_ . As a non-native speaker, it was hard for me. I needed to have very good reading and writing skills. The read

8、ing and writing tasks were _21_ because I didnt know half of the words. When I saw the _22_ words, I looked them up in my _23_ and wrote them down on my note cards. I _24_ those cards with me every day and tried to review them whenever I was _25_ . However, knowing the meanings of these words was no

9、t the most important thing. It was more important to know how to _26_ them in daily life.At first, I was shy and _27_ of speaking English in front of others. I didnt know if I used the right word or pronounced (发音) it _28_ . I was also afraid that others would _29_ my poor pronunciation. However, li

10、ttle by little I found that English was a part of my life. I made up my mind to _30_ it. I started to use a recorder and practiced speaking at home. Now I can speak English very well. ( )19. A. butB. and C. so D. for ( )20. A. materialsB. clubs C. discussionsD. courses( )21. A. difficult B. easy C.

11、correct D. important( )22. A. short B. long C. new D. old( )23. A. note B. dictionary C. book D. diary( )24. A. took B. drew C. designedD. played ( )25. A. worried B. happy C. free D. crazy ( )26. A. discuss B. say C. spellD. use( )27. A. proudB. afraid C. cared D. tired( )28. A. easilyB. immediatel

12、y C. correctly D. regularly ( )29. A. relate to B. look at C. support to D. laugh at( )30. A. improve B. support C. helpD. respect 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共计30分)(A)4-Day Beijing TourIf you want to see more of China, how about going to Beijing? Visit the Great Wall and other famous places, and enjoy Beijing Duc

13、k!Tour price: $590Call us! 820-62225-Day Sanya TourSanya is famous for its wonderful sunshine, white sandy beaches and clear water. Instead of a busy trip, you can relax here by walking along the beaches and enjoying the fresh air!Tour price:1 person 25 persons69 persons$569$548 / person$535 / personCall us! 810-52224-Day Beautiful Guilin TourDo you want to enjoy fresh air? Then come to Guilin for a few relaxing days to enjoy the river life!Tour price:1 person 25 persons69 persons$630$565 / person$527 / person Call us! 810-


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