北京市延庆县十一学校七年级英语下册 Lesson 41-42练习(无答案) 北师大版

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《北京市延庆县十一学校七年级英语下册 Lesson 41-42练习(无答案) 北师大版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市延庆县十一学校七年级英语下册 Lesson 41-42练习(无答案) 北师大版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 41-42 一、根据句意选择括号中正确的词填空。1. I _ a football match yesterday afternoon. ( watch, watched )2. We _ ourselves at the party last Saturday night. (enjoy, enjoyed )3. John _ late for school yesterday. (was, is )4. We wanted to _ a lot of cities. ( visit, visited )5. Now Tom is _ at this hotel. (staye

2、d, staying )6. He usually _ his house at 9:00 but he _ at 8:00 this morning. ( leaves, left )7. Susan is_ her homework now. (does, doing )8. She _ the dishes last night. ( washing, washed ) 9. We usually go to school _ bike, but sometimes _ foot. ( on, by )10. Our trip to Hainan was great. We really

3、 _ it. (enjoy, enjoyed ) 二、根据中文意思和英文提示,写出正确的英语句子。1、六月初,他们开始了他们的旅程。( at the beginning, start, trip ) _2、他们的旅程一路横穿美国。 ( travel, all the way, across ) _3、他们周末到餐馆打工。( work, restaurant, weekends ) _4、他们工作半年,并且把所有的钱都积攒起来。 ( six months, save up ) _1、 他们经常看着地图,谈论着想去的地方。( look at, talk about, places ) _A. Ri

4、ce and meat.B. They started in San Francisco.C. They needed enough money.D. A few days.E. Yes, I did.F. I want some oranges.三、根据所给问题从方框中选择适当的答语。( )1. Where did they start their trip? ( )2. How long did they stay in Los Angeles? ( )3. What did they need for their trip? ( )4. Did you visit the Great W

5、all? ( )5. Can I help you? ( )6. What did you have for lunch? 四、你一定出去旅行过吧!什么时间?你们去了哪里?你们是怎样去的? 都安排了什么活动,请把你的经历写下来。_ _ _ _一、请写出下列动词的过去式,注意总结规律。1. work _ 2. visit _ 3. travel _ 4. stay _ 5. play_ 6. enjoy _7. live _ 8. decide _ 9. explore _10. study _ 11. carry _ 12. plan _13. stop _ 14. are _ 15. do

6、_16. go _ 17. see _ 18. have _19. drink _ 20. swim _二、根据句意选择括号中正确的词填空。1. They went to Rome and _ many Rome ruins. ( see, saw )2. Lucy didnt _ any tea, but had a cup of coffee. ( drink, drank ) 3. They explored the countryside and _ in the mountains. ( walk, walked )4. My family _ to San Francisco la

7、st summer and _ some pictures there. ( go, went ) / ( take, took )5. We saw a lot of _ in the park and all of them _ very happy. ( people, peoples ) / ( are, were ) 6. The girls ate _ food and _ out of the room quickly.( some, any ) / ( go, went ) 7. My uncle knows a lot _ Canada. He wants to _ me t

8、here. ( from, about ) / ( take, took )三、根据中文意思和英文提示,写出正确的英语句子。1. 我们一家人去了Madrid, 而且拍了很多照片。( family, visit, take, photos ) _2. 他们彼此交谈,在一起过得非常愉快。( talk to each other, have a good time ) _3. 去年,Melissa去了Rome, 看到很多古迹。( go, see, ruins ) _4. 昨天下午,我和朋友一起打了两个小时篮球。( basketball, friends, two hours ) _5. 我们在山中行走,在山顶野餐。( walk, mountains, picnic, top ) _四、上周末你和谁在一起,你/ 你们都有哪些活动,回忆一下,以My Last Weekend为题写一篇短文,介绍一次愉快的周末。_ _ _


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