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1、八上Unit 1 Me and My Class教学目标重点单词短语句型掌握重点单词短语辨析掌握现在进行时时的构成及用法掌握教学重点btween与among,exercise,look短语, take a photo, wear,put on,have on,dress,be in的区别,embarrassed修饰人/embarrassing修饰物或事情,look /sound/feel/be like, go for walks ,one more/another one,时间介词in,on,at区别,at the end of/in the end简单句的五种基本类型教学难点1.it做形式

2、主语的句型 It is+形容词+of/for +sb.+to do sth.2.现在进行时 be+doing(表示现在正在进行或发生的动作) 一般过去时 时间段+ago3. May I?用来表示征求对方的意见。肯定回答用may,否定回答用mustnt .4.定语从句单元语言点:1.over the summer holiday 在暑假期间eg. Have you changed over the summer holiday?over相当于during2.betweenand(两者之间)区分:among(三者或三者以上之间)例题:The president talk with people_t

3、hem.A.between B.among C.both D.none3.Its bigger than yours.big的比较级是bigger, yours为名词性物主代词4.there be 句型be有单复数之分,且如果有并列主语时要遵循就近一致原则。例题:There _are_ some books and a pen on the desk.There_is_a pen and some books on the desk.5.be happy/glad/sorry/pleased/angryto do sth. 高兴/抱歉/乐于/生气做某事6.It s fun to get e-m

4、ail from China. Its+名词+不定式。 It是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to do fun 是不可数名词。funny是形容词注意:It is+形容词+of/for +sb.+to do sth.注意of前面为形容人的品质的词。例如:kind,nice例题:Its very nice_pictures for me.A.of you to draw B.for you to drawC.for you drawing D.of you drawing7.We go from room to roomfrom to 从到8.exercise作“练习”讲时为可数名词;作“锻炼”讲时

5、为不可数名词。用于表示“早操,眼保健操”时为可数名词。例题:Doing eye _ is good for your eyes.A.exercise B.exercises C.exercising D.exercised9.look短语:Look at 看;look up 向上看,查找;look for寻找;look over检查;look down on/upon看不起,瞧不起look after=take care of照顾;look out=be careful小心,当心例题:Please _ the dog for me while Im away. A.look at B.look

6、 after C.look up D.look out10.photo=photograph take a photo/ take photos照相 a picture of you 强调照片上的人是你 a picture of yours 强调照片的所有者是你11.wear,put on,have on,dress,be in的区别(1)wear 穿着,戴着。表示状态,但可以用于进行时态。She is wearing white closes today.(2)put on 表示穿的动作,其反义词组为take off“脱掉”Put your coat on when you go out.(

7、3)have on (身上)佩戴着;穿着;上带有。不可用于被动语态或者进行时态。(4)be in 穿着;戴着。表示状态,可以直接跟表示颜色的词,意为“穿着颜色的衣服”。 The little girl is in red.(5)dress作动词时,“给穿衣服”作名词时“服装”且多指女装。 be dressed in“穿着”表示状态。Mother is dressing my little brother.例题:-Nancy,dont always_that old jacket.It looks terrible. -But I think its cool,Mom.A.wear B.dres

8、s C.put on D.take off12.embarrassed形容词,“感到尴尬的/难堪的”用来修饰人 embarrassing“令人尴尬的,使人难堪的”用来修饰物或事情类似用法的词还包括:interested/interesting;surprised/surprising;amazed/amazing例题:I dont like making speeches,its so_. A.embarrassed B.embarrassing C.interested D.interesting13.look like看起来像;sound like听起来像;feel like想要;be l

9、ike像例题:-_? -He is tall. A.How is he B.What does he likeC.What is he D.What does he look like14.borrow,lend,keep的用法区别(1)borrow 强调“借入”borrow sth. from sb.(2)lend强调“借出”lend sth.to sb./lend sb. sth.(3)keep强调借的状态,即动作的延续,和how long或时间段连用例题:How long can I _ the book? A.borrow B.lend C.keep D.buy.15May I see

10、 your picture?May I?用来表示征求对方的意见。肯定回答用may,否定回答用mustnt .eg: -May I watch Tv,Mum?-No,you mustnt. You must do homework first.16.Here it is.给你 ,在这儿 当主语是代词时,句子为部分倒装,当主语是名词时,句子要全部倒装eg:- Please show me the book on the left. -OK.Here it is.=(Here is the book.)17Bring a photograph or drawing of yourself to sc

11、hool.1)drawing画像 2) yourself你自己,是反身代词3)bring带来 take 带走18.glueto 把粘到上19.paper 作“纸”讲,为不可数名词,a piece of paper一张纸 作“试卷”讲,为可数名词,a paper一张试卷20.love/hate /like/dislike doing /to do sth. 喜爱/讨厌做某事+doing为长期习惯 +to do 为具体一次的动作21a little,a few,little,few的区别 a little/a few “少许,一点 ”意思相同,但a little修饰不可数名词,a few 修饰不可

12、数名词。而few/little意思是“几乎没有”表否定意义,同样,few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词例题:-Would you like some milk in your tea? -Yes,please.But just_. A.little B.a little C.few D.a few22.let “使,让”let sb. do sth.让某人做某事同样用法的 还有:make/have sb. do sth.但get sb. to do sth.让某人做某事例题:The global financial crisis has made many people_their

13、money.A.to care of B.took care of C.be careful with D.to be cared about23. write down 写下,记下代词放中间,write them down24.food指食物总称时是不可数名词,但指食品种类时是可数名词。例如:I love to eat many different foods.25.likebest最喜欢,likebetter更喜欢,likevery much非常喜欢,likea little有点喜欢,dont likeat all根本不喜欢例题:Of all the subjects,I like mat

14、hs_.A.a little B.much C.best D.better26.play the violin 拉小提琴 play football 踢足球27.get out of bed = get up 起床28.one more=another one/two more people=another two peopleI have one more question. 我还有一个问题。句中的more可表示“再;另外的;其他的”。例题:We dont have enough nurses to look after the patients.At least _are needed.A.ten another nurses B.more ten nursesC.other ten nurses D.another ten nurses29.时间介词in,on ,at的区别in泛指一天的早上、中午或晚上on 表示具体在某一天的 上午、下午或晚上at表示具体的时间点 ,at 6:00,或固定搭配at noon例题:Einstein,the famous scientist,was born _ March,1879. A.at B.on C.in D.to30.So


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