八年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school学案1(无答案)(新版)外研版

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八年级英语上册 Module 4 Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school学案1(无答案)(新版)外研版_第1页
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1、Module 4 Unit 1 He lives the farthest from school学习目标知识目标: 学习并掌握生词:road, accident, except, far far from , crowded, all the time。 能力目标: 学习最高级级,初步掌握形容词,副词加est 和most 的用法。 情感目标: 能够使用形容词,副词的最高级形式谈论并比较旅行方式和交通工具。学习方法重难点学习活动Step1 New wordsStep2Complete the sentences.1. He jumped on the _(拥挤的) bus.2. The res

2、taurant is open every day _(除了) Monday.3. This station is our _ (近的)one to our home.4. We were _ (同班同学)at middle school.5. He was killed in a car _.(事故)6.Thats a good _.(选择) 7Lingling lives the _.(接近的)Step 3 Listen and read the dialogue in unit1, complete the table at Page 27.Step 4 Read and underst

3、rand the dialogue.Step 5 Grammar形容词、副词的最高级两者比较用形容词或副词的比较级,当我们要将三个或以上的事物进行比较时,要用它 们的最高级。例如:1. Linglings home is the closest to school. 玲玲家离学校最近。(形容词的最高级前要用the)2. It is the most comfortable way but its the most expensive. 这是最舒适的方式,同时也是最贵的方式。3. Tony lives farthest from school. 托尼住得离学校最远(副词的最高级前可以不用the)

4、4. Of all the students in my class, Macy writes most carefully. 班上所有的学生中,梅西写得最仔细。二、不规则的:每个单词有其不同的最高级形式,需个别记忆。如: goodbest (形容词)well best (副词)形容词和副词的最高级的不规则变化原 级最高级good/ wellbestbad/ ill, badlyworstmany/ muchmostlittleleastfarfarthest/ furthest注意:在表示“A比B”时,我们用A is than B,但最高级表达的是三个及三个以上的事物的比较状况,所以后面通常

5、用in/of/among 来表示比较的范围。例如:Tom is the tallest in our class.Tony lives the closest to school of all myclassmates. 达标题一、写出下列单词的最高级(15分)1、 boring _ 2、cheap_ 3、easy_ 4、dangerous_ 5、safe _ 6、early_ 7、 relaxing_ 8、 large_9、 thin_ 10、 exciting_ 11、low_ 12、clean_13、enjoyable_ 14、busy_15、popular_二、单选(5分)1. The

6、 girls are talking about the art festival _. Yes. They have so many fun things to share. A. easily B. angrily C. sadly D. happily 2. Our school bus will leave at 8 oclock tomorrow. Dont be late. OK. I will be there ten minutes _.A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier3. Debbie is growing fast. She

7、is even_ than her mother. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest4. Dad, would you please drive _? No hurry. We have enough time before the plane takes off. A. faster B. more slowly C. more carefully5. Do you know Lin Shuhao? Yes. He is one of _ basketball players in the NBA.A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular 三、完成句子(10分) 1、 有一次交通事故There was a _ . 2、 它是最舒服的方式。 Its _ _ _ way. 3、 他住得离学校最远。 He lives _ _ _ school.4、 他的家离学校最近。His home is _ _ to school. 5、总是记住要小心。 _ _ be careful all the time.个案


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