八年级英语上册 Module 2 Experiences 词组素材 外研版

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1、Module 2 Experiences词组机舱服务员cabin steward环游世界travel around the world邀请某人去某地invite sb. to some place和某人待在一起stay with sb.起飞take off第一名the first prize你认为怎样what do you reckon?参加一次比赛enter a competition听上去很好sound good首都机场capital airport今天的报纸todays newspaper笔友a pen friend一段经历an experience have been to “have

2、/has been to” 曾经去过某地 (现在人已回来)havehas gone to 去了某地(人可能已经到了那里,也可能还在路上,但不在说话的地方)有一个梦想成真 have a “dream come true”出国 be/go abroad全中国 all over China乘飞机去。fly to = go to by plane不同的地方 different places 有什么地方她没有去过吗? Is there anywhere she hasnt been to?那儿有许多事情可做有许多地方可看。There is a lot to see and do there.多于;超过

3、more than= over开一个音乐会 give a concert售完;卖光 sell out在。的末端;在。的后期 at the end (of)在。之前 by the end (of)结果;最终 in the end 后面不能接of)一次奇妙的经历 fantastic experience做完某事 finish doing sth和。一样好 as good as如此。以致于。so that某个名人 someone famous在某人的生命中 in one s life确信 be sure (that)良好的祝愿 Best wishes想到某人(某事等)think of考虑;思考 th

4、ink about 39、认真考虑;仔细思考 think overbecome became become 2、 break broke broken3、come came come 4、do did done5、draw drew drawn 6、drink drank drunk7、drive drove driven 8、eat ate eaten9、fall fell fallen 10、fly flew flown11、give gave given 12、go went gone13、 grow grew grown 14、 know knew - known15. lie lay lain16. ride rode ridden17. run ran run18. see saw seen19. show showed shown20. sing sang sung21. speak spoke - spoken22. swim swam swum23. take took taken24. wear wore worn25. write wrote written26. forget forgot - forgotten


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