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1、也AIIN ECOMPANYUpdating YourAuNamaSRiaContributors: Rob Koczkar, Paul MeehanMarch 1998apmahie 1998 ahns company ieUpdating Your Manager Agenda*Focus of effective meetings*Objectives of an update*Effective updates: Process Flow*Dos and donts Copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Module O

2、bjective*Highlight range of key content areas ofeffective updates“Provide guidelines on how to structure aneffective update“Give advice on the content andmessages in an effective update copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Bain Manufacturing ProcessWanager updaies areafundamenial step

3、 in the Bainmanmufacturing process. Asses CommuBlan Do sthe nicatethe the 和 民work work 有 时ations ERDocumentthework Team process “Core concepts Core concepts “UpdatingSkills “Business your“BRAVA research skills manager“Bain computingand mobilecomputing“Excel andPowerPointtraining“Market researchCaset

4、eam filemanagement“BRAVA Copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Focus of Effective UpdatesWanager Updates - from 委ce-to-face io voicermnail -proviade opportunities fortwo way comrmunicationrelating io value adadiftiom, cljienkb and ihe ieamm. Update content Value addition/analysis Clien

5、t Team, *Receive directfeedback andinput from your manager-your hypothesis-your analysis-your data andmethodology*Ensure that yourprioritization fits in with theoverall workplan*Communicate clientperspectives*Call attention to criticalincidents and client issues*Role play client meetingsand other in

6、teractions*Communicate your worksplace in context of overallprojectGive feedback tolreceivefeedback from the rest of theteam“Brainstorm ideas, problemsolve*Raise and resolve team-related issues copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Communication Norms and Ground RulesAt the outset of y

7、our caseieam relationship, you and your mmanagerShould mutuajly esiabjish grouna rules and communication norms.*Agree in advance on managers degree ofinvolvement in the workplan-whatis the besttime to update routinely?-atwhat points can manager add the greatest value?* what are the key approval poin

8、ts requiring manager involvement?* what constitutes a red flag or requires early waming?*Err on the side of over communication; especially early-on-conduct frequent, but succinct updates Untiltold otherwise*Understand managers preferred communication media and accessibility:phonemails, telephone con

9、versations, face-to-face meetings*Establish mutual boundaries for caseteam work contact-telephone calls/faxes at home-under what conditions?*Determine ground rules concerning basic business etiquette-what constitutes punctuality, both for meetings and work deadlines?-isfood a norm at meetings?-what

10、degree offormality is expected in each business situation? Copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Update ObjectivesThe frst step in ensuring that manager updates are effective P jectis to be absoluiely clear on objectives. Potiential objeciivesdepend on the perspecitives of ihe particip

11、ants. Potential objectives for Potential objectives forthe manager the consultant*Confidence that the work is on track ldeas and advice“Insight into where value lies -is my hypothesis leveraged?“Insight into client hot -is my data collection methodology asbuttons/concerns efficient as possible?“Feed

12、back as to specific actions he or -is my analysis correct?she can take to provide assistance or -aml1managing team/manager/clientremove roadblocks relationships as effectively as possible?-client meetings Information and context-frameworks 一how does my work 作into the whole?-analytical approaches -is

13、 my value addition sufficient and-VP updates leveraged?-information sources “Communication of help needed-meeting coverage-pre-wiring一other air coverDirect feedback and coaching Copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Effective Updates: StepsAgood update has six steps: Ansur- DisClar Rev

14、 Firs Commun Cus Sum中 My 1 iate marizobje 0 sum progress oth 了ctiv nda mar 了 er stepses yof analysis issukey eses Copyrgis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your ManagerEffective Updates: Process Flow (1 of 2)Effective Updates incluade objectives, agenda, key message,activity review, related issues, nex

15、t steps, and closure.Update Elements Notes Examples,Updates objectives :OfFslide mutualy “Pat at ourfirst caseteam lastagree on what you week, you asked me to.In the half-both expect to hour we have together 1 would likeaccomplish to present the results and also callyourattention to a concern thecli

16、ent has about .Does that soundabout right?“Agenda ,Setagendaitems “Good, 1suggest then, that wedo the following.Anything else?.AnswerFirst summary “Communicate the short 。 。“First of all as we suspected theterm answer insurance business is indeeddiluting PanamericaCommunications market value.” Copyr

17、gis 1998 Banns Company meUpdating Your Manager Update ElementsCommunication of activity-what milestones werereached?一what insights gained?一what has changed?-what has happened whichcould affecttimeline?workflow? deliverables?client relationship?、* Other related worklissues“Summary of next stepsand cl

18、osureEffective Updates: Process Flow (2 of 2)Effective upaaies incluae objeciives, agenada, key message,activity review, relaied issues, next steps, andl closure.Notes* Structure supporting analysis anddetails using Answer-First pyramid“ffpossible, castupdateinformation in a format which canbe used

19、for client reviews andpre-wires-focus on insights up-front - notfaw data-tella compeling story:Ifnecessary allowfortimetocatch up on other relevant workand issues“Explicity agree on specific nextsteps,timing, deliverables,andfolow-upExamples“The volatilty ofthe insurancebusinesss eamningsis extremel

20、y high,which we concluded from firstreviewingWhat still concerns us,however is1am having some troublegetting my hands around that issue-What would you do?.Allright then, by 4pm.tomorrow 1will phonemailyou theresults“Work on my other sideis heating up bythe end of week。 What effect wouldstretching ourtimeline on determiningnew book value by a day have on“Atour meeting next Tuesday 1 willpresentthe following.And you willlet meknow by phonemailif yourteleconferencetomorrow raises any issues that will affectthe market segment analysisworkstream Copyrohrs 1998 Bans Company me



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