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1、邑JDeveloptheIndlividualAuthor: 和cintha PeerisReviewer: Dianna MagnamniDecember 1998Develop the Individuals Key Elements of Effective Leadership| 三| Effective /eadership encompasses our core elements. Create a sharedVi Mobilize and Managefor Develop theinspire results individuals 了= 辐 *Understand the

2、big picture*Plan in advance*Align the team*Maintain direction*Build enthusiasm *Stick to arigorous “Develop an*Motivate the team upfront plan exciting plan for*Enable the *Manage growthindividuals aggressively *Be the coach“Troubleshoot “Measure and*Change behavior ”communicatein response to perform

3、ancefeedback copyrohto 1998 Bain& Company me,Develop the Individuals Agenda *Overview *How to Develop the Individuals-Develop an Exciting Plan for Growth-Be the Coach-Measure and Communicate Performance*Key Takeaways os bereephapavauas 3copyrohto 1998 Bain& Company Ime,Develop the IndividualsThe Imp

4、ortance of Developing PeopleOpportunities for professional and personal developmentare critical elements of overall employee satisfaction.“How important is each of the following?”5 480 480 475 470 460 460 455 455 455 450 Importance Case Chalange Opporbntbes Dove Treateg Wo On Opporuniies Conibulon C

5、olaboratve BaSignilcant 。 of My Job iorPersonal 。 Superior with Respect Rightlssues forCareer 。 训。 Relatonships ReputatonWas Development 。 Resuits welopment Recognizedl Source: Bain Wondwie Employees Satshaction Survey aaCopyrohta 1998 Bain& Company me,Develop the Individuals BenefitsDeveloping peop

6、le has some obvious benefits.SatisfiedEmployees寺 |Contribute toStrengthen Long-termQuality of onEnhence Growth in theResults for ia ee BusinessClients ThroughRetention opyrohtp 1998 Bain& Company Ime,Develop the Individuals Agenda“Overview *How to Develop the Individuals -Develop an Exciting Plan fo

7、r Growth-Be the Coach-Measure and Communicate Performance*Key Takeaways os bereephapnavauascopyrohtp 1998 Bain& Company me,Develop the Individuals How to Develop PeopleExcellence in developing people can be achieved through three major aciivities. Develop an Exciting Plan forGrowth Reassess Bethe ch

8、 Measure and CommunicatePerformance copyriohtp 1998 Bain& Company Ime,Develop the Individuals Agenda“Overview*How to Develop the Individuals -Develop an Exciting Plan for Growth -Be the Coach-Measure and Communicate Performance*Key Takeaways os bereephapnaviauascopyrohto 1998 Bain& Company Ime,Devel

9、op the Individuals Plan for GrowthAt the beginning of a case the caseteam /eader shoulddevelop a case-specific skill plan foreach team member*Review capabilities required for a person at their level*Solicit input from the individual*Read previous performance reviews (with theindividuals permission)*

10、Talk to the person s other managers*Review allocated workstream against capabilities anddevelopment needs and adjust as necessary艺二*Write a skill plan with the individuals help*Discuss the plan in a one-on-one conversation with theindividual to ensure buy-in and enthusiasm for 计民 opyrohto 1998 Bain&

11、 Company Ime,Develop the Individuals Skill Plan MythsThe following are some common myths and realities about Skill plans.Myth*The skill plan found on theconsensus review form issufficientfor helpingpeople develop*Skill plans are disruptivebecause workplans rarelymatch development needs*Skill plan di

12、scussions arevery time consuming*Skill plans should be filedaway atthe beginning of acase forreview at the endofthe caseReality*The consensus review form highlights a generic ist ofdevelopment needs for an individual,A case-specific skilplan focused on the individuals workstreams for a particularcas

13、eis an important supplement*There are usuallya number of waysto meet a genericdevelopment need regardless of the case - e.g., a clientexperience need on a market overview stream could beaccomplished through expert and competitor interviews.*Once the workplan has been described,individuals shouldbe a

14、sked to draft skill plans.A skill plan should focus only onthe two or three mostimportant needs,Reviewing anddiscussing the plan typically takes less than an hour*The whole point of a skill plan is to provide an ongoing focusfor development needs,Skill plans should be referred toduring coaching meetings and regularly reviewed andrevised during the case. , opyrohtp 1998 Bain& Company me,



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