九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature Section C教案 (新版)仁爱湘教版

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1、Unit 6 Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature Section CSection C needs 12 periods. Section C需用12课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。.Aims and demands目标要求1. Master some new words: till, reply, kiss2. Learn a proverb:One tree cant make a forest.3. Learn how to describe lit

2、erary works.4. Learn about Chinese classical literature and western literature.5. Cultivate the students cooperative spirit and learn to cherish friendship.Teaching aids教具录音机/投影仪/图片.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)检查作业,导入新课。1. (让学生们整理上一节课的作业,把自己所找到的文学作品的作者、主要人物及其性格特征,还有作

3、者的写作风格向大家汇报。)T: Lets check your homework. Who has finished your homework? Please report it to the class.(为了规范大家的说法及提供示范,教师先介绍一下自己的发现。)T: This book is called Yongzheng Dynasty. Its mainly about Emperor Yongzheng. Yongzheng was very powerful. He made a great contribution to the dynasty. Eryuehe always

4、 writes stories about Chinese emperors, especially the emperors of the Qing dynasty.S1: This book is called . Its mainly about .S2: .(检查作业,谈论文学作品的作者、主要人物及其性格特征等。)2. (呈现西游记的图,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。)T: What can you see in the picture?Ss: We can see four people.T: Who are they?Ss: They are the chara

5、cters in Journey to the West.(当学生们给出不同的答案后,教师提问他们喜欢这一角色的原因,引导学生们对其性格特点做出描述。)T: Why do you like the Monkey King?S7: Because he is funny and clever.T: Why do you like Sandy?S8: Because he is kind and helpful.T: Why do you like Pigsy?S9: Because he is fat and lazy. He likes eating very much. He is very

6、 funny.T: Why do you like Xuanzang?S10: Because he can say magic words to control the Monkey King.(教师总结学生们的回答,并对其进行情感态度方面的教育。)T: Xuanzang was nearly eaten by his enemies. With the help of the other three, he succeeded at last.3. (呈现哈里波特的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。)T: What can you see in the picture

7、?Ss: We can see some children.T: Who are they?Ss: They are Harry Potter and his friends.T: Which character do you like best?S11: .S12: .(允许学生们给出不同的回答,然后问喜欢的原因。)T: Why do you like ?S13: Because .T: Why do you like?S14: Because.(教师总结学生们的回答。)T: Harry is clever and brave. But without the help of his fri

8、ends he wouldnt become a hero.(总结学生们对两幅图的描述,加上一些适当的提示,对学生进行情感方面的教育,培养其乐于与他人合作的精神,使其养成和谐和健康向上的品质。)T: The Monkey King is clever and powerful, but he cant succeed by himself. His two friends give him a lot of help.Harry Potter is very brave and clever, but he cant beat his enemies by himself. He would

9、not become a hero without the help of his friends.From that we know, One tree cant make a forest.We must know how to work together with others, then we can make a great success.(板书画线部分对其进行释义并领读。)One tree cant make a forest. 独木难成林。Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)完成1a。1. (让学生带着任务听1a,锻炼其从材料中获取信息的能力。

10、)T: Listen to 1a. I will give you two questions about the dialog. You can find out the answers while you are listening.(板书问题。)(1)What books did they mention in the dialog?(2)What story did they mention in the dialog?(听录音,回答问题。)(1)Journey to the West and Harry Potter.(2)Sand and Stone.(板书画线部分,为下面的总结打

11、下基础。)2. (三人一组表演1a,加深对对话的理解。)T: Lets act the dialog out. Work in groups of three.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。1. (为了充分理解对话的内容,继续设置问题,让学生在听和阅读中找答案。)T: Listen to the tape again. Lets further discuss 1a.(1)What can we call the two books?(2)What are Potters friends like?2. (小组活动,让大家一起讨论

12、并填写表格。)T: Lets work in groups of four, describe the characters in 1a to your partners, then fill in the chart and check your favorite character.3. (选两位学生来作汇报,其他学生一起校对并对其进行补充,然后师生一起补全表格中人物的性格特征,完成1b。)S1: is my favorite character.S2: is my favorite character.Characterthe Monkey KingSandyPigsyHarry Pot

13、terHarrys friendsCharacteristicsfunny, clever, brave honest,wise,helpful kind,funny,a little lazy brave handsome,kind helpful,wise Your favoritecharacter(可用小黑板或幻灯片展示上面的表格。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10分钟)学生谈论文学作品中他们最喜爱的人物,导入2a。1. (让学生拿出自己所搜集的文学作品,来描述自己最喜欢的人物。)T: Please take out your literature works

14、 and describe your favorite characters. Why do you like him or her? What other characters do you remember clearly? Do you like them? Why or why not?S1: .S2: .2. (让学生对作品进行分类,找到能说明“独木难成林”这一主题的作品,用以巩固合作精神。)T: Lets talk about our books and find out the works which have an idea of One tree cant make a fo

15、rest.3. (转入另外一个故事2a, 让学生们阅读并完成以下几个问题。)T: Here is a story with the idea of “One tree cant make a forest.”Lets come to 2a and read the story Sand and Stone. Then answer the following questions.(呈现小黑板上的问题。)(1)How many people are there in the story?(2)Where did the story happen?(3)What did the taller boy do when he had an argument with his friend?(4)Where did the shorter boy write the words when his friend hurt him?(5)What happened in the pond?(6)Where did the shorter one



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