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1、五上U2英语知识笔记及巩固练习 班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、知识要点:(请朗读三遍)1、重点句型(1) His hobby is drawing cartoons. 他的爱好是画漫画。(2) Sometimes he draws his pet dog or a bird in the sky. 有时候,他画他的宠物狗或天空的一只鸟。(3) She likes drawing interesting people and beautiful places. 她喜欢画有趣的人物和美丽的风景。一般现在时态指的是经常发生的动作或事情,或指习惯性的动作。2、一般现在时一般现在时态指的是经常发生的动作或

2、事情,或指习惯性的动作。1、含有always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never, every + 时间词等时间状语的句子要用一般现在时态。l 如果句子中的主语是第一、第二人称或其他名词的复数形式,动词用原形;l 如果主语是第三人称单数、不可数名词或其他表示单数概念的集合名词,动词用第三人称单数形式(-s形)(1) He always gets to school at about seven oclock in the morning.(2) We must finish our homework on time every day.动词第三人

3、称单数变化规则:(1) 一般情况下,在动词后加-s。如:play plays, like likes(2) 以s, x, sh, ch, o结尾的动词加-es。如:go goes, wash washes(3) 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,把y改为i,在加-es。如fly flies(4) 特殊情况。如:have has2、 含有一般现在时态的句子要转换为否定句,在be动词、助动词或情态动词后面加上not 即 可。如果没有上述三类词,则在动词前面加dont或doesnt。转换成一般疑问句的方法基本相似。如:(1) He likes watching TV.否定句:He doesnt like wa

4、tching TV.一般疑问句:Does he like watching TV?.(2) They love singing and dancing.否定句:They dont love singing and dancing.一般疑问句:Do they love singing and dancing?3、当单词do作为实义动词出现在句子中时,其第三人称单数的变化和其他动词一样。如:(1) Jiamin does his homework after dinner.否定句:Jiaming doesnt do his homework after dinner.一般疑问句:Does Jiam

5、in do his homework after dinner?(2) We do our homework in the evening.否定句:We dont do our homework in the evening.一般疑问句:Do you do your homework in the evening?二、巩固练习 (请独立完成,不看书,不请教他人。)(一)选择最佳答案填空,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。( ) 1. your hobby ? My hobby is drawing. A. What B. Whats C. When( ) 2. My sister likes .

6、A. draw B. draws C. drawing( ) 3. Mike usually in the morning. A. goes running B. go running C. goes run( ) 4. We can many beautiful flowers here. A. see B. seeing C. sees( ) 5. I usually go shopping Sunday. A. in B. at C. on( ) 6. He will get many presents his birthday. A. on B. in C. at( ) 7. Ther

7、e are lots of birds the sky. A. to B. on C. in( ) 8. Lu Xun is a great Chinese . A. painter B. writer C. reporter( ) 9. My sister to be a nurse when she up. A. wants; grows B. want; grows C. wants; grow( ) 10. My parents and I usually exercise in the morning. A. do B. take C. have(二) 按照实际情况回答问题。1. W

8、hat is your mother doing now? 2. Do you love swimming? 3. Whats your fathers hobby? 4. What do you want to be when you grow up? 5. What do you usually do after school? (三)选择方框中单词,用他们的适当形式填空。at watch go make lunch workBen is a good worker. He in a big factory. He can draw many pictures of machines. A

9、nd he likes machines. He often goes to work half past eight in the morning. He always has his in the factory at 12:00. He always back home at five oclock in the afternoon. He likes TV after dinner.(四)认真阅读下面的对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话意思,如符合,在题前的括号内写“T”,否则写“F”。Ben is an English boy. He is in his Chinese friend J

10、iamins new house. There are some other children in the house.Ben: What do you usually do after school, Mike?Mike: I usually play football with my friends.Ben: What is your hobby?Mike: My hobby is playing football.Ben: What about you, Janet?Janet: I like listening to music best. And that is my hobby.

11、Ben: Do you want to be a reporter when you grow up, Tom?Tom: Yes. Reading news is my hobby now.( ) 1. Ben is a Chinese boy.( ) 2. Mikes hobby is playing football.( ) 3. Janets hobby is listening to music.( ) 4. Tom wants to be a reporter when he grows up.( ) 5. Toms hobby is writing news now.一般现在时专项练习 练 习一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. She (go) to school at seven oclock.2. He usually (get) up at 7:00 in the morning.3. She (live) in Beijing.4. Amy (be) in the playground now.5. (be) there a kite on the table now?6. My father


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