福建省武平县实验中学2020学年七年级英语上学期导学练(Topic 3 Unit 3)(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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福建省武平县实验中学2020学年七年级英语上学期导学练(Topic 3 Unit 3)(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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《福建省武平县实验中学2020学年七年级英语上学期导学练(Topic 3 Unit 3)(无答案)(新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省武平县实验中学2020学年七年级英语上学期导学练(Topic 3 Unit 3)(无答案)(新版)仁爱版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、福建省武平县实验中学2020学年七年级英语上学期导学练SectionA一、根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思1. /y:(r)self/_( )2. /wd/_( )3. /f/_( ) 4. /tkn/_( )5. /dr k/_( ) 6. /ras/_( )7. /mlk/_( ) 8./ad/_( )9. /wa:t(r)/_( )10./ hmb:(r)g/_( )二、大声朗读词块或词组1. 随便吃 help yourselves to 2. 一碗米饭 a bowl of rice3. 想要一些鱼肉 would like some fish=want some fish4. 两袋牛奶 t

2、wo bags of milk 5. 三杯水 three glasses of water6. 一块面包 a piece of bread7. 四箱苹果 four boxes of apples8. 许多香蕉 many/ a lot of bananas三、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 请随便吃些鸡肉,康康。 Please_ _ _ some chicken, Kangkang.2. 我想要些苹果汁。 I _ _ some apple _.3. 你哥哥喜欢绿色。 你呢? Your brother likes green. _ _you?4. 你想在哪里居住? Where would

3、 you like _ _?5. 来些蔬菜怎么样? What about _ _?四、Read and choose the different sound in each group( )1. A. classB. pastC. gainD. glass( )2. A. lakeB. grassC. madeD. hate( )3. A. parkB. darkC. ratD. art( )4. A. madB. brainC. painD. main( )5. A. payB. layC. mayD. parkSection B一、根据音标写出下列英语单词及汉语意思1./ju:l/_( )

4、 2./ brekfst/_( )3./lnt/_( ) 4./ d n/_( )5./fu:d/_( ) 6./me/_( )7./tek/_( ) 8./:(r)d(r)/_( )9./s(r)/_( ) 10./ sm /_( )11./la:s/_( ) 12. /m/_( )二、大声朗读词块或词组1. 鸡肉加蔬菜 chicken with vegetables2. 点菜 take your order 3.一些喝的东西 something to drink4. 两杯苹果汁 two glasses of apple juice5. 早餐你通常吃些什么? 我通常喝些牛奶和吃些面包。 -W

5、hat do you usually have for breakfast? -I usually have some milk and break for breakfast.三、完成句子1. Wang Wai often has /lnt/_ at school.2. We have some rice and vegetables for / d n/_.3. -/me/_I have a look at your photo? -Sure. Here you are.4. -Who is the young man in a pair of /la:sz/_? -He is our /

6、nj:/_English teacher, Mr. Brown.5. Alice likes _ _(中国食物)very much.6. -_ _ _ _ _ (您可以点菜了吗), Mr. Green? -Some rice and fish.7. Id like _ _ _(喝的东西)and some bread.8. -What about _ _ _ _ _(两杯橙汁)? -Good idea!9. _ _ _(鸡肉加蔬菜)is very nice.10. -_do you usually have _ _?(早餐吃什么) -Some _(汉堡).Section C一、大声朗读词块或词组

7、1. 下馆子 eat out 2. 拜访朋友 visit friends3. 和某人一起吃饭 have dinner with sb.4. 好主意! Good idea! 5. 让我想想看。 Let me see.6. 为什么不吃? Why not eat ?二、完成句子1. -Would you like to have /d n/_with me? -Yes, _ _ _(我想要).2. -What would like to /i:t/_? -Let me /si:/_.3. -/wa/_not have some /f/_and eggs? -Good /ad/_!4. The man

8、 in green doesnt like fish _(和)eggs.5. What about _ _(下馆子)?6. _ _ _(为什么不买)some vegetables?三、根据句子或对话意思用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. -Help _(you)to some juice, Amy. -Thank you.2. Id like to eat some _(fish)and some vegetables.3. -May I _(come)in, Mrs. Li? -Yes, please.4. -Why not _(eat) in a restaurant? -Good id

9、ea!5. Jane wants _(visit) her grandparents.6. What about _(have) lunch at my home?四、Read the sounds and fill in the missing letters.Then read the words aloud.1. /red/ gr_de 2. /sem/ s_me 3./hnd/ h_nd 4. /kp/_ _p5. /fa:m/ f_ _m _ _ 6. /la: d/ l_ _ge 7./kla:s/ cl_ss 8./ra:sp/gr_sp9. /wet/ w_ _t 10. /t

10、ren/ tr_ _n 11./tde/ tod_ _ 12. /re/ gr_ _SectionD一、完成Jane写给Jack的信。然后完成句子理解。/d/_Jack, Im in _(中国)now. I have many /frendz/_here. They _all _ _me(对我很好). I often _ _ _ (和一起吃饭)them. I usually have many _(蔬菜). I like Sichuan food and Guangdong food _ _(非常). They are /nas/_. Im very _ _ _here(很高兴在这儿). Yours, Jane1. _is in China now.2. Her friends are very _.3. Sichuan food and Guangdong food are very _.4. Jane likes to live in



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