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1、新起点一年起点三年级英语上13课复习题一, 词性转换A 写出下列词的缩写形式1,I am _ 2, you are _ 3, he is _ 4, she is _5, it is _ 6, is not _B 写出下列词的完全形式1, isnt _ 2, its _3, shes _ 4, hes _5, youre _ 6, Im _C 写出下列单词的对应词1, father _ 2, brother _3, boy _ 4, he _5, I _ 6, my _7, Miss _ 8, Mrs _ D 写出下列单词的反义词1, yes _ 2, tall _3, fat _ 4, lon

2、g _E, 写出下列单词的复数形式1,apple _ 2, bag _3, boy _ 4, eye _5, ear _ 6, hair _7, sheep _ 8, wolf _9, is _ 10, am _ F, 写出下列单词的单数形式1, are _ 2, wolves _ 3, sheep _ 4, girls_5, boys _ 6, we _G 其他词形变化1,I (宾格) _ 2,I (物主代词)_3,hello (同义词)_ 4, I (同音词) _5, your (人称代词) _ 二, 句型转换A 把下列陈述句变为一般疑问句1, I am Kitty. _2, You ar

3、e a dog. _3, We are boys. _4, They are dogs. _5, She is a girl. _6, He is a boy. _7, It is a pig. _8, This is a pencil._B 根据问句写答句。1, A: Good morning. B:_2 ,A: Goodbye! B:_3, A: How are you? B:_4, A: Are you Peter? B:_(是的,我是。)5 , A: Are you Alice? B:_(不,我不是。)6, A: Who is he ? B: _(他是我爸爸)7, A: Who is

4、she ? B: _(她是我妈妈)C , 按照要求回答1, Are you Miss Fang ? _(.肯定回答)_(否定回答)2, Is he Peter ?_(.肯定回答)_(否定回答)3, Is she Alice ?_(.肯定回答) _(否定回答)D , 把下列陈述句变为否定句。1, I am Mr Wang ._2, You are Linlin . _3, He is tall. _4, She is thin . _三,连词成句,注意大小写标点符号。1, Miss Im Fang _,2, Kitty hello Im _,。3 , are how you _?4, my ar

5、e you father_?5, me is this _。6 , morning good _。7, you Kitty are _?8, my she is friend _。9, is who she _?10, long hair my is _。五,用“ am, is , are “ 填空1, I _ a girl .2, Im thin . I _ tall.3, You _ not a sheep .4, _ you a wolf ? 5, He _ my father .6, My mother _ beautiful . .7, Who _ he ?8, _ Kitty short ?六,用“ a , 或 an “ 填空1, I am _ girl .2, Look , this is _ egg .3, I have _ apple .4, Peter is _ boy .5, There is _ dog in the cage . 七,作文。用五句话介绍自己。1, Im a boy . ( a girl ) 2, Im tall. 3, Im thin .4, My eyes are big . 5, My ears are small.



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