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1、单元复习课 StarterUnit1 3 课堂用语 Let sbeginourclass Standup please Sitdown please Putupyourhands Doyouunderstand Openyourbooksandturntopage3 Let shaveadictation 问好 Goodmorning Goodafternoon Goodevening Goodnight Howareyou Fine thankyou andyou I mfine too 初次见面会话 Hi Hello Hi Hello AreyouJane Yes Iam Nicetome

2、etyou Nicetomeetyou too 介绍人物 Maria Hello Mr Lee Mr Lee Hello Maria Maria Mom thisismyteacherMr Lee Mr Lee Howdoyoudo Mom Howdoyoudo 告别 Good bye Bye bye Bye Seeyoulater Seeyou eraser pencil pencilsharpener pencilcase backpack book dictionary pen ruler What sthisinEnglish It sa an A What sthisinEnglis

3、h B It sanorange It sa A Howdoyouspellit B p e n A What sthisinEnglish B It sapencil A Howdoyouspellit Spellitplease B P E N C I L A What sthisinEnglish A Howdoyouspellit B It sawatch B W A T C H A What sthatinEnglish B It saneraser A Howdoyouspellit B E R A S E R 5 6 3 R What sthisinEnglish It sR W

4、hatcolorisit It sorange I What sthatinEnglish It sI Whatcolorisit It sblue Whatcolorisit It sred orange yellow purple S 0 A E G B I R P J AAA sayOK EEE drinksometea III closeyoureyes OOO touchyournose UUU it sforyou ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ AHJK BCDEGPTVZ FLMNSX IY O QUW R ei e ai i ju Don tforget

5、 and UNIT1Myname sGina A What syourname B Gina A What syourname B Myname s I m Gina what s whatis myname s mynameis it s itis I m Iam 缩略形式 完全形式 Whatisyourname MynameisAlanSmith Itisanorangeorange Iamaboy What syourname Myname sAlanSmith I maboy It sanorangeorange Tony Hello What s name Jenny My Jenn

6、y Tony Tony Jenny Nicetomeetyou Tony Completetheconversationswiththewordsinthebox your name s I m What shis hername What shis hername What shisname Hisname sYaoMing What shername Hername sYangLan Bill What s name Maria His isTonyBill Andwhat sher Maria Hername Jenny his name name is What syourteleph

7、onenumber Myphonenumberis88389860 What s name name s Firstname Lastname Fullname Telephonenumber Jackie Chan JackieChan 55468721 What s telephonenumber JackieChan I mBillGreen MyfirstnameisMylastnameis Bill Green onecat twogirls threeflowers fourballs fiveapples sixpencil sharpeners sevendogs eight

8、ninebirds zero 计算 1 1 2Oneandoneistwo 0 5 53 4 76 2 8 1 9 0 Threeandfourisseven Zeroandfiveisfive What ssixandtwo What seightandone What snineandzero Unit2Isthisyourpencil LOOKANDSAY watch ring key computergame baseball IDcard notebook asetofkeys A Isthisyourpencil B Yes itis It smypencil Isthisapen

9、cilcase Yes itis Isthataneraser No itisn t It sabook hisbackpack herbackpack A Isthatyourbackpack B No itisn t It shisbackpack It sherbackpack A Isthisyourruler B No itisn t It sherruler Aguessinggame It shereraser Aguessinggame Isthisyour Aguessinggame Isthatyour It shisbackpack 人称代词和物主代词 人称代词是经常用做

10、主语的代词 物主代词就是表示所有关系的代词 人称代词 I我you你he他she她it它we我们you你们they他们 形容词性物主代词 my我的your你的his他的her她的its它的our我们的your你们的their他们的 Fillintheblanks1 Hi Alice this English a 2 thatin a it please B O O K 3 this key Yes is mykey 4 Isthisyour Yes you thatis 5 Thisis What s in It s pencil What s English It s book Spell I

11、s a it It s pencilcase thank And mybackpack aneraser A apencilsharpener A Howdoyou it B B P E N C I LS H A R P E N E R A you Isthis pencilsharpener B it It s pencilsharpener Is that Yes her spell Thank your isn t No is it 补全对话A Excuseme Mary Isthisyourbook B Yes A Mary isthisyourpencil B No it It s

12、pencil A What sthis English B eraser A doyouspelleraser B 补全对话A Excuseme Mary Isthisyourbook B Yes A Mary isthisyourpencil B No it It s pencil A What sthis English B eraser A doyouspelleraser B it is isn t his her your in It s an How E R A S E R 根据下表中的人物姓名 选用正确的物主代词填空 What syourname What s name What

13、 s name 4 What syourteacher sname 5 What stheboy sname Myname sSonia nameisTony nameisAlan nameisMaria nameisMike Ask Answer his His her Her Her His 根据句意填词 1 Isthisyour 背包 Yes is 2 Thisisn tmyIDcard ismyIDcard 3 What sthis English It s eraser 4 Isthisyourruler No it It s 她的 ruler backpack it That in

14、 an isn t her Awatch CallMissChenat63719131 BULLETINBOARD Found BULLETINBOARD Lost MyEnglishbook PleasecallMissChenat82313213 Found Awatch Isthisyourwatch CallKelseyMillerat88666596 Putinordertomakeamessage MynameisJack Abackpack Found Phonenumber63017047 at63752148 PleasecallCindyMynotebook Lost Fo

15、und Abackpack MynameisJack Phonenumber63017047 Lost Mynotebook PleasecallCindyat63752148 有用句型 sentences What sthis that itinEnglish It sa an Howdoyouspellpen it that P E N Isthis thatyour Yes itis It smy No itisn t It shis her 一 本单元的话题 二 本单元的重点词汇与短语 Talkaboutthingsintheclassroom 根据场景询问物品的所属及辨认物品所有者

16、thisthatthankringcalllostfoundpleasewatchpencilrulerbackpackspelldictionarynotebookcomputereraserhowbaseballcomputergameexcusemeinEnglishlostandfoundasetofkeysschoolIDcard Unit2 1 三 本单元的日常交际用语是 四 本单元的语法是 3 询问单词如何拼写 2 询问某物用英语怎么表达 1 询问物主的所属 3 进一步学习物主代词your my her his的用法 2 what引导特殊疑问句What sthis that 1 指示代词this和that的陈述句 一般疑问句以及其简单回答 Isyourpencil 这是你的铅笔吗 Yes itis 对 是的 No itisn t 不 不是 Unit2 2 What sthisinEnglish 这个用英语怎么说 It sapencil 这是一支铅笔 Howdoyouspellit 这个单词怎么拼写 P E N C I L 是P E N C I L 1 Isthisyour



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