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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(第5课时 Section B 2a2c)总课时编号:_ 编写时间:_月_日 执行时间: 月 日小组组别:_ 小组组号:_ 姓名:_一、学习目标:1. 读懂文章并完成阅读任务。2. 朗读并背诵文章,重点记忆重点句子和表达方法。二、学习重、难点:学习重点:1. We are the students from Thailand.2. The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.3. Our first flag had a white elephant on it.4. This is a symb

2、ol of good luck.5. An elephant never forgets.6. Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.7. They can remember places with food and water.8. This helps them to live.9. But elephants are in great danger.10. People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.11. People also kil

3、l elephants for their ivory.12. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). 13. We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory.学习难点:重点固定搭配三、学习活动:1. 预习检测:1)听写Section B的单词。2)能熟练读出2b的文章和重难点的句子,请从这些句中找到重点处。3)课时学案。2.2a,标出你认为的濒危的动物,Why are they in danger now?_3. 2b Reading阅读

4、练习: Step 1 略读,找出适合此文的标题title。Step 2 精读文章,1)在课文中找出每段中心句。2)了解其大意,完成2c。Step 3朗读课文, 记住:书读百遍,其义自见。Step 4 通过背诵,将短文填补完整(课堂上进行)。Hello. We are _ from _, and we _ to _ the elephants. _ elephant is _ Thailands _. Our _ flag _ a white elephant _ it. _ is a symbol of _. _ are _ animals. They can _ soccer or _. T

5、hey _also _ very _. People_ that “_ elephant never _”. Elephants can _ for a _ time and never _. They can also_ places _ food _ water. This _them _._ elephants are in _. People _ many trees _ elephants are _ their_. People also_ elephants_ their_. Today _are _ about 3,000 elephants (_100,000 _). We _ save the _ and _ buy things _ivory. Remember _March 13th is _.四、达标检测&课后拓展:背诵课文;课时练习



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