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1、 Unit5 单元检测题一、单项填空1.We were in Qingdao last week and great fun there.A. will haveB. have hadC. hadD. have2. you afraid of late for school?A. Are; beB. Do; beC. Are; beingD. Do; being3.We carefully, but we didnt anything.A. listened; heardB. listened; hearC. listen; heardD. listen; hear4.Is Jim at ho

2、me by ?No. His little sister is with .A. him; himB. him; himselfC. himself; himselfD. himself; him5.There only one foreign teacher in our school in 2020, and now six.A. isB. wasC. areD. were6.Do you like sleeping with the windows ?A. openB. be openedC. openingD. opens7.If you see any litter (垃圾) on

3、the school playground, youd better .A. put it upB. pick it upC. turn if offD. put it on8. to school, they met their Chinese teacher.A. On their waysB. On them waysC. On their wayD. On them way9.I am afraid of animals .A. no; any moreB. not; moreC. not; any moreD. no; more10.He often up at 5: 10, but

4、 he up at 6: 00 yesterday.A. gets; gotB. gets; getsC. got; getsD. got; got11.The teacher told her late, but she late this morning.A. isnt; isB. not to be; isC. wasnt; wasD. not to be; was12.Gina and I went to school by bus this morning.A. usuallyB. as usualC. as usuallyD. as unusually13.Did you see

5、Tom in the classroom?No, he there five minutes ago.A. leftB. was leavingC. leavesD. has left14.Who to visit our school last Wednesday?Mr Smith did.A. did comeB. cameC. comeD. comes15.The black cat often a ghost at night.A. makes a sound likeB. makes a sound likesC. made sound likeD. make sound like二

6、、完形填空1.One day, Mr and Mrs Black (1) shopping. Mrs Black bought lots of things (2) that shop. First, she bought a dress and gave it (3) Mr Black, because she wanted Mr Black (4) it. Then she bought a lot of things, and Mr Black carried all of them. He had (5) boxes. His hands (6) full and he couldnt

7、 (7) their car, so he asked Mrs Black to show him the key to their car. Mrs Black stopped (8) a small red car. But the key couldnt turn (转). The (9) was broken (坏了的). Mr Black was very angry (生气的).They had to walk home, because they (10) another key.(1) A. go B. goes C. did go D. went(2) A. for B. a

8、t C. to D. with(3) A. for B. at C. to D. with(4) A. carried B. to carry C. carrying D. carries(5) A. a lot B. many C. lots D. lot(6) A. are B. is C. were D. was(7) A. see B. look C. look at D. see at(8) A. in the front B. in front of C. in the front of D. on front of(9) A. car B. key C. box D. shop(

9、10) A. dont have B. had C. didnt have D. arent have三、阅读理解1.Mr Black was a businessman (商人) and he was very rich (有钱的). One day he went on a trip to the countryside with his 5 year old son Henry. He wanted to show his son how poor people lived, so they spent a day and a night on the farm of a very po

10、or family.When they got back from their trip, Mr Black asked Henry, “My dear son, how was your trip?” “Very good, dad!” “Did you see how poor people lived?” the father asked. “Yes!” “And what did you learn?”Henry answered, “We have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that is in the mid

11、dle of the garden and they have a river that has no end. We have expensive lamps (灯) in the garden and they have stars.”When little Henry finished, Mr Black was speechless(无话可说的).(1) Mr Black and his son spent in the countryside.A. about 12 hoursB. about 24 hoursC. about 48 hoursD. less than 12 hour

12、s(2) What does the word “poor” mean?A.贫穷的B.富有的C.快乐的D.漂亮的(3) Mr Black wanted to show his son .A. how poor their family wasB. how rich their family wasC. where the poor livedD. how the poor people lived(4) Henry felt about the trip.A. tiredB. unhappyC. greatD. sad(5) Which of the following is NOT righ

13、t?A. Henry was only five years old.B. There was one dog on the farm.C. Henry liked the farm very much.D. There were some lamps in Mr Blacks garden.2. How was your weekend? I had a busy weekend. I did some cleaning on Saturday morning. 午餐之后,我的朋友叫我和他们一起去踢足球。Then I watched a comedy on TV that evening.On Sunday morning I got up at seven, and did some exercise in the garden. After breakfast I did some homework and read an interestin



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