河南省商丘市永城市龙岗镇七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Integrated skills and Study skills巩固训练(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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河南省商丘市永城市龙岗镇七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Integrated skills and Study skills巩固训练(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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河南省商丘市永城市龙岗镇七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Integrated skills and Study skills巩固训练(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第2页
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《河南省商丘市永城市龙岗镇七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Integrated skills and Study skills巩固训练(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河南省商丘市永城市龙岗镇七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Integrated skills and Study skills巩固训练(无答案)(新版)牛津版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 Integrated skills and Study skills 巩固训练一、选词填空(共1题,共5分)happen; stay; carry; read; leave(1)What did youdo just now? I _ a storybook in the classroom.(2) What _ toyour mother yesterday? She fell off the bike and hurt her leg.(3) He _ inShanghai for two months last year.(4) Look! He_ a big bag. Le

2、ts go and help him.(5) After hefinished school three years ago, he _ his home.二、单项选择题(共4题,共4分)1. There is_ news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some?A. manyB. a fewC. a lotD. little2. Philiphas gone to New Zealand.Oh, can you tellme _?A. when did heleaveB. when he isleavingC.

3、 when he leftD. when is heleaving3. Thanks_ joining our Talk Show!Youre welcome.A. byB. onC. ofD. for4. The two men are_ us still alive.A. surprised toseeB. surprisedseeingC. surprising toseeD. surprise toseeing三、句型转换(共4题,共8分)1. Thank you foryour help.Thanks for_ _.2. What was wrongwith you, Helen?What _ you, Helen?3. Ants smellthings well. Dogs smell things well, too.Ants smell things_ _ as dogs.4. A giraffe hasonly seven bones in its long neck._ only seven bones in a giraffes long neck.



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