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1、Unit 6 BirdwatchingPeriod 4 GrammarLearning aims1. To know the five sentence structures. 2. To use the simple present tense to talk about the future. 3. To learn adverbs of manner. Learning activitiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词划线部分音标、词性和词义。1. return _2.drop _3. greet _4. frighten _5. angrily _6.gen

2、tly_7. nicely _8.softly _9. clear _10. gentle _11. loud _12. noisy_13. angry_14. zookeeper_ 二、了解下列生词的用法。return 返回,归还1. 他每天下午五点回家。He _ home at 5 every afternoon.2. 我父亲明天将回到北京。My father will_ _Beijing tomorrow.3. 请把故事书还给Lily。 Please _the storybook _Lily.注意点:return 不能与back连用。改错:He returned me back my b

3、ike yesterday. _三、翻译下列短语。1. return to school_2. speak softly_3. watch the birds closely_4.drop litter carelessly_5. greet us politely_6. sing nicely _7. shine brightly_ 8.talk loudly_9. drive carefully_10.feel truly sorry_四、识记S主语;V谓语;P表语;直接宾语;IO间接宾语;OC宾语补足语Activity two Grammar A : five kinds of sent

4、ence structuresStep 1 Revision and Lead -in Finish the sentences with prefixes(1) The singer is _ ( not popular )(2) That story is _(not true )(3) The boys bedroom is_(not tidy ) The sentence structures are S + V + P (主+连系动词+表语)Step 2 Read the sentences on page 81 alone and then talk about the sente

5、nce structures 提示:Subject (S):主语;Verb(V):谓语;Predicative(P):表语;Direct Object(DO):直接宾语;Indirect Object(IO):间接宾语;Object Complement(OC):宾语补足语Step 3 Complete the exercises on page 81Step 4 Fill in the blanks with correct sentence structures. A. S+V . . +P D. S+V+IO+DO E. S+V+ 1. Most students feel tired.

6、_2. Being too busy will make you ill. _3. Some students have mobile phones. _4.Some parents give children too much pressure(压力)。_5. The students are playing. _Step 5 Make a sentences using each of the five kinds of sentence structures. A._B._C._D._E._Activity three Grammar B: using the simple presen

7、t tense to talk about the futureStep 1 Read out the following sentences1. The study begins next month.2. Our plane leaves at ten oclock tonight. 3. My cousin finishes school next year. 总结:We can use the simple present tense when we talk about_, _ and_.Step 2 Finish Part B on Page 82-83. Step 3 Compl

8、ete the following sentences. 1. Tomorrow _(be )Sunday.2. The new term _ ( start) on 23rd August.3.The train _ (leave) at 7:30 in the morning.4. If she _ (come), we will tell her.Step 4 Look at the table and then complete the passage. Open DayProgramme8.309.00 a.m.Students report for duty9.009.30 a.m

9、.Visitors arrive9.30-10.30 a.m.Opening Ceremony10.30-10.45 a.m.Principals speech10.45 a.m.-5.00 p.m.Visitors walk aroundTomorrow the school (open) at 8.30 a.m. Students (report) for duty before 9 a.m. The guests (arrive) between 9 and 9.30 a.m. The Opening Ceremony (be) at 9.30 a.m. and the principa

10、l (give) a welcome speech at 10.30 a.m. After that, the visitors_ (walk) around the school. All the classrooms and laboratories (be) open to visitors. The school (close) at 5 p.m.Activity four Grammar C: Adverbs of mannerStep 1 Lead-inIf we are going birdwatching at a wildlife park, what do we need to pay attention to ?We must walk _. We mustnt drop litter_. We must talk_. Step 2 Try to change the following adjectives into adverbs. sad _ sweet_honest_ nice_wonderful_beautiful_ cheerful_quiet_fluent_ 规律1: _.heavy_noisy_ healthy_ happy_



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