2020学年七年级英语下册 Unit 8 Pets Study skills练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 8 Study skills一, 根据中文提示,完成单词。1. Her dog isnt any _(麻烦).2. The students in our class are all _(有礼貌的) to the teachers.3. Keep in close _(接触) with me.4. You can get _(信息) easily and quickly on the Internet.5. Do you hear the _(噪音) outside?二, 单项选择( ) 1. Amy wants to find information about traffic i

2、n Shanghai.A. Traffic B. Traffic in Shanghai C. Traffic in China( ) 2. Daniel wants to find information about the history of Nobel Prize. A. Nobel B. Nobel Prize history C. Nobel Prize( ) 3. I often help my sister _ English. A. learns B. learn C. learning ( )4. The boy _ his way. He didnt know where

3、 to go. A. loses B. lose C. losing D. lost( )5. She is going to write a _ composition. A. 1000 word B. 1000 words C. 1000-word D. 1000-words三,完形填空 Mazart was born on January 27,1756 and _1_ on December 5, 1791. When he was three, he often had lessons with his elder sister. His father took him to _2_

4、 different countries, where he played _3_ for lots of people.But some people didnt believe that a little boy could _4_ such beautiful music. They asked him to stay in a room all by himself for a week and somebody _5_ the room all the time. In the week, he finished a new piece of music. _6_ that, peo

5、ple _7_ that he could write beautiful music.Mazart died when he was still a young man. During his _8_life, he worked very hard, but he couldnt _9_ much money. Often he had to _10_ money from his friends. But his music made him happy and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people

6、 happy, too.( ) 1. A. died B. finished C. stopped D. closed( ) 2. A. some B. few C. many D. much( )3. A music B. game C. song D. trick( )4. A. write B. read C. understand D. play( )5. A. followed B. saw C. visited D. watched( )6. A. Under B. Before C. After D. Though( )7. A. thought B. believed C. said D. forgot( )8. A. short B. long C. poor D. great( )9. A. save B. lose C. make D. invent( )10. A. borrow B. return C. leave D. collect


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