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1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate一、单词。1maskn.面具,面罩2paintvt.用颜料涂3pumpkinn.南瓜4lanternn.灯笼,提灯5insideadv.在(或向)里面6knockvi敲,击7.shoutvt&vi大声说,叫,嚷8.ifconj.如果9.treatn.招待10.trickn.诡计,把戏11.specialadj.特殊的,特别的12.questionn.问题二、词组。1Thank you for sth. / doing sth因为(做)某事感谢某人2tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事3have lots of fun很有乐趣4paint

2、ones face涂脸5wear masks带面具6make pumpkin lanternsmake lanterns out of pumpkins做南瓜灯7knock on/at the door敲门8trick or treat不招待就使坏9give us some candy as a treatgive sb. sth. as a treat=give sth. to sb. as a treat=give sb. a treat of sth.给我们一些糖果作为招待给某人某物作为招待10play a trick on sb恶作剧某人11have a party on the ev

3、ening of October 31st在10月31号晚上举行聚会12a special day特别的一天13enjoy nice food and drinks享受美味的食物和饮料14play a game with the people inside和里面的人玩个游戏重要语言点:1. Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节的事。Thank sb. for doing sth. 感谢某人做某事。谢谢你帮助我打扫教室。 _.2. paint our faces 用颜料涂我们的脸paint v. 用

4、颜料涂 n. 油漆, 颜料 He gives me a box of paints. 他给我一盒颜料。 painting n. 绘画,油画 This is a Chinese painting. 这是一幅中国画。1) You can _ your desk yellow.2) There are a lot of Chinese _ at the Palace Museum.3. They give us some candy as a treat. 他们给我们一些糖果作为招待。妈妈给我的朋友们一些蛋糕作为招待。My mother _ my friends some cakes _ _ _.My mother _ some cakes _ my friends _ _ _.My mother _ my friends a _ _ some cakes.4. on the evening of October 31 = in the evening on October 31在9月10号的上午 _ = _


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