Unit 5 First aid 巩固练习 话题语言应用——急救(2020年整理).doc

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1、学海无涯巩固练习一、单项选择1. In the battle the soldier was _ in the arm and sent to hospital at last.A. hurt B. injured C. wounded D. damaged2. If you like I can do some shopping for you. Thats a very kind _.A. offer B. service C. point D. suggestion3. Although _ many times, she still made the same mistake.A. s

2、he told B. told C. was told D. telling4. True greatness has little, _, to do with money or power.A. if anything B. if anything is C. if there any D. if is there5. Nowadays, people in the city enjoy a(n) _ of musical life.A. variety B. range C. extent D. width6. His behavior at the party last night s

3、eemed rather _. Many of us were quite surprised.A. out of practice B. out of place C. out of politeness D. out of pity7. Will you go home this evening? No. Im going to a lecture, or at least I am planning _.A. so B. to C. it D. that8. Id pay for the meal. No, no, put your money away; let me _ you to

4、 it.A. deal B. treat C. entertain D. charge9. The girl is badly injured. Youd better _ first aid to her before taking her to hospital.A. make B. do C. take D. afford10. “What should I take along?” is _ common question that we get asked when people are planning _ trip abroad.A. a; / B. a; a C. the; t

5、he D. the; /11. Its just a(n) _ difficulty that we are faced with now. I am sure if we work hard we can complete the task.A. constant B. original C. temporary D. admirable12. While he had made a lot of money in the big city, the _ of city life made him decide to move to the countryside.A. pressure B

6、. conflict C. advantage D. style13. Do you know Annas telephone number? _. As a matter of fact, I dont know any Anna, either. A. I think so B. Im afraid not C. I hope so D. Id rather not14. There is no _ in trying to talk George into joining us. He enjoys being alone.A. doubt B. wonder C. hope D. po

7、int15. It doesnt _ if you are late to my party. I just want you to come.A. have a great effect B. make a bit of difference C. take a chance D. make sense二、完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。 I volunteered to fulfill(履行) Smile Card orders and my first shipment of “to-be” mailed Smile Cards

8、arrived on Monday. I was very 1 and immediately inspected all the contents. My darling husband 2 watched me,not wanting to interrupt my moment,but I could tell he was curious. I told him I would be helping to 3 kindness by mailing Smile Cards to members. “Thats 4 !” he said. Probably thinking,“There

9、 she goes again with another one of her causes.” I 5 him all the contents I was to 6 . “Did Help Others provide you with 7 ?” he asked. I held my breath, 8 that he would be 9 when he found out that postage 10 be coming out of my pocket. 11 ,in the most matter of fact manner,he asked,“Do you think a

10、roll of 100 stamps would help you get started? I can stop by the 12 on my day off by car.” I gave him a kiss. Fast-forward to Wednesday. I was writing addresses on each envelope while he watched his TV show. He 13 the TV and asked,“What can I do to 14 you get these ready?” I gave him 15 and we quiet

11、ly got our first ten orders ready. On Thursday afternoon he 16 us to the post office,where he 17 waited with me in a slow-moving 18 . Since this is a labor of love for me,I told him we absolutely(绝对地) had to get the Love: King and Queen of Hearts stamps. No 19 ones. “Of course,” he said,“nothing els

12、e would do.” He knows stamp 20 are important to me. I told you the story to show: If you do something good to others or society,people around you will understand and support you.1Aexcited Bsurprised Cmoved Dencouraged2Aweakly Bsadly Cquietly Dhelpless 3Aspread Bpaint Ccover Dseparate4Acommon Bcomfor

13、table Cdifficult Dgreat5Areturned Bleft Cremained Dshowed6Aphone Btelegram Cbook Dmail7Aenvelopes BTVs Cquarters Dstamps8Aworried Bdepressed Cshocked Dembarrassed9Aunhappy Bbored Cinterested Dconfused10Amight Bwould Cshould Dcould11AAnd BSo CHowever DFor12Ashop Bpost office Crestaurant Dschool13Aturned to Bturned on Cturned off Dturned up14Afind Bhelp Ccare Dsave15Aintroductio


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